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While waiting for my precious fluff to finish the task at hand, i waited for him like a queen on the side. I busy myself stuffing my mouth with 2 sandwiches and a bottle of water to fill my grumbling stomach. Yes! That's the effect of hunger to me. If i indulge myself to the fullest without a care, i could eat it all up in one go. Sigh!! Such luxury! I have to save it up for future purposes.

"Ellise, your bath is ready!! Do you have a spare hides on you ?? Your fur is very eye catching. Others might question you about it"

He got a point!

I look at him with puppy dog eyes while pouting.

"I don't have one on me.. can you lend me one if you have any."

I use my softest and cute voice talking to him (cringing on myself!) WTF!! scrap that modesty.. if i want to have my full scale hunk harem operation on active mode... Me! Myself and I have to be thick skinned to the point that even if you slap it.. there's no visible mark to be seen . that's how i boost my confidence!! (Dreaming about the future already) "drooling, drooling"

Harvey blushed but still nod in confirmation on my request. His gaze linger on me for measurement which i shyly let him be and he goes to the side to make me a top and a skirt made of fox fur. I went to his side.

"Harvey, thank you for your help today and thank you for the bath and fur. Even though i am a stranger in distress but you still help me with open arms and that's very kind of you to do that. I know it may sound strange but if your in trouble or in need of help someday,, just let me know ok! This favor must me reciprocated. Not just for my self satisfaction but also don't wanna owe you.

He just smiled at me but still continued his dress making at the side.

I let him be coz im going to my own bath appointment. I strip my clothes and put it on the side.. i put my hand inside the tub to test the water temperature and smile in satisfaction.I collect my bath essentials for the ritual to be held.

I immerse myself while humming a tune(thinking out loud song) while scrubbing my scalp and hair. Scrub my body with soap then rinse it off.

I forgot my surroundings that i didn't notice harvey stop his fur sewing when he heard me humming. His ears twitch and indulge his self listening to an unfamiliar sweet tune that i made. He continues his work in silence with a smile and contentment. He makes a bra type kind of top then a skirt.He knock on the wall to notify his presence so he could give me the finish product.

He knock on the wall to notify his presence so he could give me the finish product

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"Wow harvey!! This is gorgeous, i love it! Thank you!"

"Your welcome elle, are you hungry? Im going to hunt right now.. any request?"

"Uhm.. if there's any fruit or any edible leafy green that would be great!

"Ok! I'll be right back!"

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