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"hah! "I breathe a sigh of relief as i look at the clean hut. Well sort of .. maybe not that clean but still pleasing to the eyes to see.

I went to our bed just to take a breather. Being pregnant with twins is way to different than normal ones. I caress my stomach tenderly to feel my babies inside. I'm now on my 1st trimester pregnancy and so far im adjusting very well enough that my appetite was now on its picky side. I look outside through the window with hazy eyes reminiscing how's my kids on earth have been.

" You know,, Mommy has 2 babies back on earth. You have an older sister and a brother. Now that i think about them, i really, really and terribly miss them. How are they coping up? How are they? How much they have grown.. *sniff*sniff* (my eyes start tearing up) if they knew they're gonna have a twin as a sibling, they would be thrilled especially your older brother..." I look at my stomach without bothering to wipe my eyes.

It took me a few minutes to compose myself as these kinds of episodes which run by my emotions were high. On the bright note I smile remembering that i'm finally gonna meet my favorite man winston on the flesh

"You're gonna have another dad my lil'ones.A strong and responsible one at that. Your papa winston is coming to join our family... I hope and i pray that he accepts my invitation and wishes your papa muir didn't mess it up. You know, your papa muir is kinda .... his own little good way. You already have 3 wonderful dads and 2 unofficial fathers waiting for you guys to be born. Your daddy curtis especially as he is your blood father. Don't forget your papa harvey, papa shuu, papa muir and papa winston if he joins too..of course.. Even if you guys haven't been born yet.. we love you two already.." I told them as i clean my face full of tears.

"Your papas is taking too damn long to return.. i wonder what are they up to?" I mumble.


I went outside just to look for shuu. I sniffed the air for his scent and followed the trail leading me to the river. I discovered that he was at the corner.. sighing and throwing stones in his deep thoughts.

I walked up to him and said "Shuu.." i called him but he didn't look back or reply at all. Like he didn't hear me  calling him.

I went to his side and tapped his shoulder which he flinched and jumps from a sudden touch.

Shuu positions himself in a defense mode but realizes that i was the one who tap him.

"God harvey, you scared the shit outta me" shuu said while composing his self to normal mode.

"Are you ok? What are you thinking about that makes you this unguarded? I ask while eyeing him for an explanation

"I just...." He scratched his head in frustration and answered " i just thought that, what i did back then during the accident is unforgivable. What if curtis didn't come... I-i..i'll never forgive myself if something happens to ellise and the cubs because me." He clenched his hands until it became white with his head down. He finally gains his right at her side but faith didn't let him enjoy that moment. Poor him.

"I won't criticize or judge you but it should not happen in the future again. No! Not again but never.. this should NEVER happen again. This in fact is a lesson, not just for you but for us as her mate to protect her at all cost. Even though our mate is kind, loving and sometimes acting on her rash and sudden impulse to decide on certain things but we, as her mate should know better what is good for her and set some limits for her safety. You should know what i'm talking about. So stop this self pitying, ellise is waiting for us at home." I told him while turning my back and started walking.

"By the way," i stop on my tracks and look back at him with a serious tone.

He stops also but listens to what I'm about to say

"Ellise is craving for rice today and she requested you to go buy her some in the sheep village. Curtis must have forgotten but this should also help you alleviate the snake anger at you. Maybe you can buy a sack or 2 or more. This should help you enough to gain favor from ellise and curtis. Don't get me wrong, i'm doing this to help our family stay in perfect harmony just like ellise wants it to be. This would cheer her up and of course it would help you appease a certain snake at home. Making ellise happy and curtis is like hitting two birds with one stone. So good luck!" I informed him and started walking back again.

"Your right! Let's do that.. thank you!.." Shuu respond enthusiastically with my suggestion.

We walk home in silence.

As we are nearing to the hut, we hear our mates laughter. Shuu and i look at each other.

We walk faster to see who she is talking to with so much enthusiasm.

I saw muir on the side with his arm crossed with his poker face but you could see the jealousy in his eyes.

Ellise is now talking to a beast man with silver hair and you could feel the leaking pressure of a 4th stripe beastman.

Shuu became stunned for a moment but returned to his usual face when he saw the man inside our home.

I look at my mates shy and admiring gaze on the man. I felt a pang of jealosy but i hid it before ellise saw it.

I elbowed shuu with my face full of inquiry about the man inside.

"His winston, the 4 mark tiger beastman" shuu explain with his face full of jealosy with the other.

"Ohhh! Babe and my habibi... Welcome back!! What took you so long." Ellise greeted us as she walks up to us with a great and threatening smile. Oh! Ohh...were in trouble..

She gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek first but suddenly she whispers something to me "i'll punish you later for making me wait soooo damn long" she smiled again. I should be nervous about receiving a punishment later but i blush instead to her threats. Damn dirty thoughts!.

Shuu became agitated witnessing how my reactions after ellise gave me her welcoming.

She gave shuu the same "welcome treatment" but less the whisper part.

After that she returns to the bed were the stranger is and hugs the man's arm which the man became a hot mess on the face.

That's my mate alright.. BOLD AND BEAUTIFUL. I looked at the man and said " i'm harvey, ellise FIRST mate and healer.. and you are? Emphasizing the word first and he just nodded in acknowledgment.

"I'm Winston. Nice to meet you harvey" he answered.

I was shock to see my mate's reaction as her gaze were a little off. It's like a fanatic gaze to his idol.

"Hi Winston. As you already know me, I'm shuu, son of the wolf king and ellise's 3rd mate" Shuu not forgetting to introduce himself.

I look at muir but he just dismisses me.

I turn my attention to my mate who are now drooling while looking at winston. I cleared my throat to catch her attention.

"Babe....." I walk up infront of her and wipe the stain in her mouth.

CRAZY LIFE IN BEASTWORLDWhere stories live. Discover now