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"Let her go! "Muir stomp his foot walking towards us.

I thought to myself "here we go again."

We both look at his direction

A fuming muir carrying his prey on his shoulder giving death glare to shuu.

A thud sound when muir drop his prey to the floor. Shuu look at him straight in the eye not backing out to Muir's coercion.

"She's my mate! I have the right to stay by her side whether you like it or not." Shuu responded with his chin held high.

Muir gritted his teeth while saying " you put her in danger! And you have the guts to face ellise like it never happens.What would happen if curtis hadn't arrive on time to save her? What would you do?! What's the point of you being her mate but so useless in protecting ellise to danger"

"Who said i didn't protect her and besides You don't even know the whole story and situation back then" shuu retorted back

I look at my males who are now spitting fire on each other throats. I sigh in exasperation. I feel tired after my crying session with shuu but now listening to their nonsense makes my head hurt even more.

"Hey guys, quit it! My head is throbbing listening to you two bickering back and forth. It'll be nice if you take this outside not here" i told them while massaging my forehead to ease the pain.

They both shut their mouths but continue to fiercely glare at one another.

Harvey went to my side paying no heed the other two while offering me peeled fruits to eat and water to drink. (Aahh!! My babe is still the best) (⁠。⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠。⁠)

"Thanks babe! " Giving him my sweetest smile as a gratitude while ignoring shuu and muir who are now on my side giving me pleading looks for attention.

I ate the fruits in silence, taking my time to organize my thoughts in the situation. I cleared my throat to get their attention "To clarify things on what happen that day, it was my idea to go in an  excursion in search of coconut tree and it is also my insistent persuasion that shuu have no choice but to gave in. That's why we got in trouble in the first place and for that (bow my head to apologize) i terribly sorry for making you guys worry and for putting our lives in danger. I'm very sorry" i said it in one's breath while fidgeting my hands scared of the upcoming scolding.

"Hey.. it's alright now, the most important thing is that your ok and the cubs but... Don't do it again in the future. Don't forget that you're not alone anymore and you have to prioritize your safety first. I ever you have something you want, just tell us and we will do anything to make it happen. Don't go risking yourself......" Harvey starts to comfort/nag at me.

I cringe knowing my mistake all to well but zone out the rest of his long lecture of affection.

I just smiled at them shamelessly after thinking that they are just worried about me and their reactions were valid due to my negligence. I spoke to muir while giving him my inquisitive look of the matter" so, any news about qingqing, hon ?

Muir became ecstatic when i ask him "as a matter of fact there is, she was rescued and brought back to the city yesterday with a battered parker. I also heard that she bear the mark of the feral that kidnapped her and I also heard that the salt caravan have also arrived yesterday" he replied smugly while saying his line.

That perks my interest even more. My winston have arrived!! His already here!!..

I look at muir with a motive on my face "Muir, come here honey.. can i ask you a favor from you my dear handsome mate. I know this may sound selfish but hear me out first" giving him my sweetest tone with a smile on my face.

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