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Im sorry in advance if my update might take a little while. The wattpad is unstable on my part. It makes my revision so hard to save.
Sorry again ..


We were ecstatic that ellise were now pregnant with our first cub until parker regain his conciousness that night.

"qingqing?? parker looks at his surroundings and it finally dawn on him. He got up quickly but flinch when pain hits him hard.

"Stay still parker, your wounds weren't healed yet, if you try to move further, you'll aggravate your injuries even more." I inform him while walking inside.

"I have to save qingqing!! i already spent too much time healing anyway. This is nothing compared to qingqing experiencing right now" He tried to stand again but an angry voice echoes into the room.

"Are you deaf? Or just stupid? My mate told you to stay still but still defy his order as your healer. Do you want me to beat your ass to pulp." Ellise came in together with curtis.

Parker growls when ellise said that but curtis beat me to it.

He burst his beast pressure and hissing on parker for growling at our mate.

"Sighing, i know your worried for your mate but you have to understand your situation right now. You can't even walk straight without gritting your teeth in pain. Besides, we already took the initiative to ask for your parents help in locating bai qingqing's whereabout. You've been unconscious for a day and your recovery were to slow too." I told him with a hint of scolding.

Ellise take a sit on curtis coil while listening to our conversation.

"For info, we didn't do it for you. Hmp!" she added in her sassy way to prevent misunderstanding to parker's part.

"Just stay for tonight, if you feel ok tomorrow, you can go" i told parker which earns me a nod and an ok from him.

"Did my father joins the group in search for my female? Parker ask hopeful in his voice.

I answered him."No, but he send 9 beastmen with 3 stripes beastman as the team leader. Actually, 3 of them are on par with one another on levels. So, you don't have to worry, they already started their investigation just this afternoon. You can see them tomorrow if they haven't found any leads yet."

"Thank you." While bowing his head on ellise direction.

"Harvey's the one who saved you but sure! I'll take that credit for my mate's sake" She grins proudly and winks at me.

She wave her hand while leaving the room with curtis.

" you sure have a feisty one, harvey". Parker commented

"I sure did" smiles proudly on my mate's action.

"Just rest for tonight, i know how you feel but you have to recover first so you could protect your female truly." My advise to him.

"Thanks again" -parker

"No problem" - i reply

"I'll check on you tomorrow morning. " i reminded him then went my way to where my mate is.

"You know, i truly admire parker's dedication to qingqing....he"  ellise speech became muffled after curtis covered her lips with his hand.

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