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Harvey agreed then starts to explain our family dynamics to winston. Shuu and Muir listened attentively again and asked questions for additional information that they may have missed or misunderstood. I just listened to them and took a glance outside wondering what time curtis would come home and what prey he'll bring this time.

All four of them agreed on their hunting schedule which improves their interaction about what food i like and love to eat. They converse and took turns in what to do after i collapsed that day. They had a tacit understanding that ensued over who and whatnot to do during that time.

I rested my head on shuu's shoulder making myself comfortable but flinched when i heard a screeching sound outside our hut.

All my men became alert.

"You ugly bitxh!! how dare you a feral mated menace, unwanted, low level bitxh gets to mate to these strong males. They should choose me! the most beautiful, sought over by all men and the most gorgeous one in this village. They should flock and beg on their knees for my attention.. but you!!! You are not welcome here!! how dare you take all of my prospective males! the strong ones at that!!  You have no right to be mated to them. You should leave together with your feral mate and be gone. You have no place in here!!" a female angrily shouts outside.

I look at my mates, question marks floating above my head but furrow my brows when those remarks hit my nerves.

I didn't ask but Harvey took the initiative to answer my questions which were written all over my face.

I keep away from drama but drama loves to sway her hips in front of me.

"that's Eudora" harvey sighing massaging his temple.

"oohh yippee !!another drama" i sarcastically thought. This is not what i have signed for. God why?! why me...all i want is for me and my men to live in peace and fulfill my reader's experience without a hitch in this world.

I gave out an exasperated sigh "what about her? and what's all this fuss about?! for the record i didn't snatch her man or step on her egoistic bish self. LIKE DUH!¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͠⁠°⁠ ͟⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠°͠⁠ ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ i have my own handsome men that are drool worthy unlike hers. This bitch is getting on my nerves as her rant kept screeching out there." i angrily commented. This woman has the gal to ruin my peace and lovely atmosphere with my mates.

I look at winston who are now tense while looking outside his ears flicked observing for any potential danger might incur during this ruckus.

I took a deep breath but my anger didn't dissipate.

I gritted my teeth. "Is she insane?! Not only am I knocked out cold for 3 days and haven't taken a single step in the village after that scuffle with her and now she herself is being a banshee shouting outside our hut". I remark just to express how stressed I am.

Muir and shuu are now standing, ready to pounce whoever may intrude into our home without permission.

Winston blocked me in a protective stance flexing his back and his yummy voluptuous badunkadunk. I know this is not the right time to admire and fantisize winston but damn ... those assets are killin me.

"wooh!! so hot!" i admired openly fanning myself.

I couldn't help myself but run my fingers on his back, feeling his muscles and everything. I felt him tense up. His ears and neck became flushed pink and you could hear his breath becoming ragged to the point that he covered his mouth with his hand. I wrap my hands around his waist and rub my face on his bare back. (soooo good ╰⁠(⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠´⁠꒳⁠'⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠)⁠╯ )

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