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After dinner, harvey left for the chieftain's hut while me and curtis went back in our bedroom. As promise, sexy time for my men tonight.

I took my phone on my bag then search for any nice song for tonight's event. While scrolling my phone, i ask curtis.

"Curtis?love ? Can you fetch me some bath water and a heated one please." I request

I want to freshen up and prepare myself for our upcoming battle to commence later.

"Sure, just wait for a moment." He respond

"Thanks love! (Blowing kisses on his way)

While waiting for him, i fix our bed first by putting some hides for additional comfort. I look around our bedroom thinking what to do to make the atmosphere more romantic and sensual.

"We don't have any candles available, no sprinkled flower on the bed coz it's already late to pluck some, and i only have my phone to set the mood later thru music.( I breathe out in frustration. )what to do?what to do?" I murmur while walking back and forth to think.

"Ahhhhh! Nevermind! Me, myself and i are sufficient enough for this sexy time to be successful" i pulled my hair in exasperation.

"Lise?Love? Are you ok? Curtis look at me worriedly.
"Ahh yes love! Don't mind me, im just thinking 'bout something. Go! Do your own thing, don't worry about me." I shoo him away.

Due to my extreme thinking dedication, a thought pops into my head. A lap dance would be a nice idea.

I selected I CHOOSE YOU and EARNED IT for my on-the-spot performance later and of course some romantic instrument songs that are available on my phone too for background music after the performance. As i said, i love music. Playlist have been set. I hum a tune while rummaging my bag for any suitable outfit for later. I choose my 2 piece tiger stripe bikini then a towel and my cowgirl hat. Outfit ☑️ make up? Still Undecided

While in deep thoughts, curtis called for me many times over that my bath is ready.

He slither towards me then tap my forehead that are now wrinkled in contemplation.

"What's on that pretty little head of yours right now? Are you planning to kill someone that you can't decide what to do? Do you need my help? I can handle it alone if that's what you're worried about"Curtis said so seriously

I stare at him blankingly.

Is this guy serious? Who said im going to murder someone? Is this guy still sane in the head?i smack my head as I totally forgot that this world is not like my world and here, kill or to be killed is their forte.

"Don't talk nonsense, i'm just thinking of something, and is my bath ready? I rebuke his nonsensical comment.

"I called you how many times but you didn't answer. I thought you have fallen asleep waiting." He muttered.

My eyes softened looking at him.

"Can you get out first love, i have to take a bath now" i ask him nicely

"Nope! I have to keep you safe, besides i already seen and taste every nook and crook of your body" he smirked.

I furiously blushed to his comment.

"Fine! But do get out later after i've taken my bath. I have to prepare my surprise for the both of you." I answered

"What surprise? He inquired

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