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"Hello?! anybody there??HEELLL--LLOOOOO!!! My shout echoed inside the cave.

Nobody answered. I shout again.

"Helllooooo!!!? It's me? Hello from the other side!! I must've called a thousand timesssssss to ask you where are you ??? (Forgive me adele for my foolishness)

Chuckling to my new version of adele's hello song. I've waited for almost 30 minutes, no one appear. Nada! not even a hiss or anything.

Aaahhh! My heart!! I hear my fan girling heart shattering. I longed for this first ever meet up to be unforgettable but no.. my own expectation devastated me.

I pick the folded skin up to my chest and limped my way out. My instincts told me to walk forward and i obediently follow it. I tell ya "Never ever doubt a woman's instinct."

I slowly walk my way to the point my injured foot starts to ache. I tirelessly slump my aching body on the floor, starring at my swollen foot. Shivering from the coldness of the floor, afraid of the unknown living on this damp cold place i touch harvey's mark to help him sense my location right away. He must be worried sick and search aimlessly to where his mate was.

My surrounding begins to spin uncontrollably. I place my hand on the wall for support and Fight to stay conscious. I saw a shadowy figure at the corner of my eyes waiting and observing my every move. Even though im in my weakened state, my instinct to guard and protect oneself is visible. I do still have a little bit of energy to fight back and sneakily use my mate's power to escape. I won't risk my mate and mine's life to my foolishness.

I mock my unlucky self for facing another life and death situation.

"I know your in there! Show yourself!!" I angrily shout at the stranger.

The "stranger" slowly slither his way toward me.

I froze on the spot with my mouth agape with incredulity. The man that I've been waiting for almost 3o minutes a while ago, the man of the hour.


Please do welcome!! On the right corner , a snake beastman with long crimson hair with crisscross red scale, 4 stripes on both side of his neck wearing nothing and on his naga formmmmmm..... CURTIS!! Ting! Ting! Ting!

My mouth started to drool to the man who doesn't know how charismatic he is. Those images doesn't give justice how stunning this man is. My heated gaze started to check him out. Handsome face ☑️ well proportioned body ☑️ sexy lips ☑️ a living idol ☑️

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