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I woke up to someone shaking and calling me on the background. My mind's a mess right now after the accident. I blink my eyes to adjust and look around surprised that im in a lush forest not on a hospital or morgue. I mean, who in their sane mind to consider transmigration would exist or maybe god's shown mercy on my poor youthful soul. A sigh left my mouth while scanning my surroundings.. come to think of it. What could've happen to my body... What would my family's reaction about me passing away or maybe .. I'm in a coma ...i don't know what to do now ..but oohhh wait head hurts like fuxxk.. i look at my saviour in front of me ..... And behold

What the shenanigan is he doing! He's showing his ohh so awemazingggg lickable Perfect abs with his morning glory swinging.. (full max blushing moment) i don't mind though..i love the VIIIEEEWWW ok ...(internal laughing)gotta appreciate what our god a passionate art lover ok . ..this hunk right here is a MASTERPIECE!! ..HHHMMKK .. before my mind wonders off to the place of no return ..i ask him for who he was, where is this place, and why is he naked? .. sure. .im just curious what his response would be.

He told me who he was and where we are at the moment. He doesn't reply to my last question..i guess he doesn't want to answer that..maybe??maybe not im getting off track .....waaaiiitt a minute..did he just say harvey??with the capital H-A-R-V-E-Y of CAMEL HUMP VALLEY.. my mind went blank.. my response got him flinched due to my reaction. aching nerves, my emotions got jumbled up to all the informations i need to process. I slapped myself hard for reality check and if ever this is a dream or some voodoo illusions made by my creative mind, this is way to extreme to be this real. I felt the stinging pain in my face after I slap my own face and of course due to my own awesome idea. Harvey look Godsmack on what i did to myself. He goes healer mode after seeing my face got red and start grinding some herbs to paste. I start talking to myself on what to do next coz this is not a fucking joke or prank but a real deal that occured once in a lifetime opportunity. He looked at me puzzled on what i was murmuring to myself. I totally forgot to introduce myself to him.

"Oh! Im sorry i haven't introduce myself. My name's Ellise and i don't have any mates as you can see. Can you help me?" I bow my head just to hide the excitement in my eyes.

"Of course! No need to say that.. I'll help you even you won't ask. Nice to meet you ellise, now come! Im gonna put some paste on your face. You shouldn't do that to yourself. Even though we only just met but it pains me to see you hurt. Never do that again.ok? " i nodded my head in agreement

Aww.. this fluffy hunk is concern about me..maybe i'll tease this kitty later but my main concern now is how to survive here in this world full of adonis and prepare my mental health to avoid insanity. Ok!! Im being mellow dramatic but seeing and experience it in person are totally different than books! .. Don't worry my fellow beauty and the beasts fanatics, im gonna take good care of our babies here ..(inner hoe activated!).

"Whoever God's out there, i thank you for this chance, i know i have family on earth but i don't know if my body in there is still breathing or not. If ever i'll return to my world, I gotta experience this so called survivalist in wild and this epic journey of the century. Thank you! Thank you!" I silently prayed whoever out there up above.

Now back to my kitty cat. He took my bags which im very thankful for coz some things there cannot be replicated here.

"Come to think of it, this God does favor me a lot because not only did he transmigrated me but my things too! Thank you Kamisama!!" I shouted inside my head to express how genuinely happy i am with a teary eyed look. I'm also very thankful that these things are very most helpful in my journey to explore this new world.

He shifted to his leopard beast and lower his back signalling me to climb on his back. He told me that we are going to his hut coz it's not safe here especially for a female like me in the wild. I took my bags at him so he could run with ease and for better maneuvering. He run for about 30 minutes before we saw houses made of straw,mud and wood. He sneaked past the village so we could avoid the eyes of other beast men for my own protection also.

"Were here ellise!" Exclaim harvey

I slid myself down and put my things on the floor. I scan his place,surprisingly his hut is simple and clean. Not that i mind, but i gotta say, he sure is neat and hootttt (cough!cough!)i mean organize..HOW ORGANIZE HE IS! THAT'S IT ..!!(fanning myself)blushing to my epic thinking session.

"Do you feel hot?i have big tub here if you want to wash?" He ask me while assessing my physical condition.

"That would be great! thank you harvey!" I smiled at him blushingly

"Is he checking me out?" I thought to myself.

Nah!! His gaze are just in doctor mode. Don't be like that ellise.. your assumptions are way too narcissistic.

"Ok! Wait for me here! I fetch you some water and hot water so you could take a bath and relax afterwards!" He took off like his tail got fire but i caught a glimpse of his red ears.

See?!! I told ya! His "checking" you out totally" my mind rebuke me.

"Awwwhh.. " I was speechless but I giggled to his reaction.

"So cute!", now then..lemme check my things. I check my phone, the contents of my 2 bags, and my appearance through my palm size mirror.

To my horror, i look like shit! My hairs a mess like a bird's nest, oohhh don't let me start on my make up.. i look like a panda.

I dig on my bag for some wipes to rescue my shitty ass for another humiliation. I wipe my face to make up free. Im gonna redo my makeup after the bath. Yes! That would be nice!

I tap myself for self appreciation. I need this! You need this! Gotta be fresh! Cool.... smooth.

Inhale! Exhale! That's more like it.

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