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Im so sorry for the late update..

A fuming curtis came into view. Both Shuu and Mr.spidey tremble with bead of sweats visible on their faces.

Curtis immediately went to his mate side to check her condition. He saw red when he saw scratches and bruises on ellise body. All hell breaks loose. A 4 mark pressure suddenly envelope the surroundings that sent shivers to the other two.

Mr. Spidey release his strings of web to the farthest tree to escape from a raging snake despite the overwhelming pressure.

"Don't even think about escaping after what you did to my mate you pest! And you! (Looking at shuu) i'll deal with you after this." curtis eyes slit dangerously.

Shuu pursed his lips then bow his head in understanding about his situation.

"Tsk! This is annoying..i have to escape intact first before i execute my plan" mr spidey murmurs to himself not giving up his idea of becoming ellise's mate despite his predicament at hand.

Both males transform to their beast form with curtis slashing his tail toward his enemy. Mr. Spidey evaded the incoming attack despite their marks differences.

"Do you think i will let you live after this? Think again you pest! I cannot forgive you for what you did to my mate" a fuming curtis shouted during their fight.

"Tsk! " Mr.spidey responded.

They exchange blows after blows until the winner is now evident with the outcome. 4 of mr. Spidey's legs have been torn apart and was poisoned by curtis bite.

The battle lasted for 10 minutes with curtis transform to his naga form smirking to his opponent after venting his anger.

"(Breath heavily) this is not over... *cough!cough! Yet!..that female is mine!" Mr. Spidey said with blood leaking down from his injuries and mouth

"*laugh maniacally* stupid! "  with his final attack, curtis smashed the spider into pieces with his tail.

Blood splash everywhere.

"That's for coveting my female, ptui! " Curtis said in his blood drenched body.

He slither his way to shuu's side with his fiery gaze. He grabs ellise on his arm without hiding his rage and disappointment to the other.

"How pathetic! Tsk! "Turning his back to shuu then flick him with his tail to the nearby tree.

He quickly move leaving shuu in a terrible state. If he have a choice, he would gladly kill this one too but remembering what his mate warns about. She gave him the trust and obligation to put them in their place as a head male of the family.

Curtis saw a familiar leopard running to their direction.

"What happen? Harvey ask after he morph to his orc form.

"Check her first" curtis answered in a commanding tone.

Harvey was taken aback because of the pressure leaking out from curtis.

He examine ellise body and thank the heavens for she only got small scratches and bruises on her waist and arms.

"She is ok, no major injuries found. She just fainted after using our power and the cubs were fine also." Harvey stated in a professional way but worry laces in his voice.

"We have to return home, so she could rest and i could treat her wounds there too." Harvey added dismissing the additional scent on ellise body.

Fast forward.................

CRAZY LIFE IN BEASTWORLDWhere stories live. Discover now