CHAPTER 18 (sauceness)

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I thank everyone for expressing your love and support on my story. I've decided to continue this story as i've been inspired and thankful by your words and encouragement. That motivates me a lot to continue what i've started.
I truly appreciate it sooo much! LOVE LOTS!! AND GOD BLESS ❤️
Here's a HOT CHAPTER for everyone ❤️❤️


--------------- WARNING SPG‼️---------------


Curtis carry me with urgency to our bed. He place me gently then he was about to tear off my only bikini,

"Don't you dare ruin my only bikini!." I quickly warn him with matching tiger look eyes.

"Why not? I can make you lots of this with my skin" he answered grumpily.

"First off, i consider this as one of my valuable treasure coz it's a reminder where i came from and then mmmmm mmmm mmm" i can't talk right now coz there's a certain hooligan shutting me up with his mouth (curtis)

"If you rant again, i'll tore that piece out of you by myself. Can't promise that it'll still came intact if i do." His suggestion were so kowai  (scary in Japanese)

I undress myself quickly in a flash, afraid he'll destroy my cute bikini into pieces.

Curtis lay me down softly then look at me with love and sparkle on his eyes.

He leaned down then kiss me passionately. He roams his hand to my body until he captured both of my hands together. He put both of it up in my head then kissed me torridly again until im out of breath. I sigh when curtis let go of my hands but harvey took over the captivity of my hands then start his own quest.

Curtis hungrily slurp my saliva like a thirsty beast on a desert. He left my mouth then start kissing my neck, to my collarbone up to his mark. He look at it with fervor then dive to my twin peaks with renewed vigor. He took one with his mouth while the other in his hand's care. He lick it, suck it and then bit it softly which i moan seductively.

"Babe!? Babe?! Please let go of hand.. please" i look pleadingly with my misty eyes on harvey's direction.

He just captured my lips as a response to my request.

Curtis gave equal attention to my twin peaks which leave trails of love bites.  Then he proceeded to kiss me down to my core. Meanwhile, Harvey left my lips then seize the opportunity to capture my peaks too. He massage my left breast while the other were being treated with favor with his amazing mouth.

Curtis spread my legs wide but i TRIED to close it up again but failed miserably. I hid my face in embarrassment then suddenly i felt his breath under me. Curtis sniff my core and groan in pleasure.

"Lise, you smell sooo good down here. I can't help myself to be fixated with this enticing scent yours." His husky voice seductively murmured to me.

I groan as i endure not to moan loudly but GIIIIIRRRLLLL... i can't think straight right now. I only knew at the moment were pure bliss. I gasped, then i felt harvey release my hand in confinement.

I immediately snake my right hand under his loincloth and start pumping his hard shaft. I felt him flinched but still gave in and moan as i gave him a handjob.

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