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I ran full speed in my beast form without a hitch on the way to the beast city. I have to make it there early so i could return home immediately. I don't want my mate to worry about me.

I ran nonstop until i saw the stone wall of the beast city up ahead.

That gives me energy to push forward again.

I arrive at the entrance of the city in no time. I shift to my orc form then wear my healer's cape and loincloth to cover myself. I directly walk to the leopard's territory.

The castle were the royalty lives were huge and strict. You can see guards patrolling and guarding everywhere. I went directly to the entrance of the castle but was block by the on duty beastmen.

"Hold! Stop right there.No one's allowed to enter in the castle at the moment" - guard 1 announce

"Please report to his majesty that i would like to request for an audience regarding with his son, prince parker"- i confidently inform them.

"Please inform him that he was severely injured by a feral yesterday." I added.

"Please wait for a moment, i shall report this to his majesty right away." Guard 2 runs away to report.

I focus my attention to the direction were the guard went to. I saw him coming back then led me to a spacious room with minimal decorations around it.

I observe my surroundings until we reach at the center of the room. I focus my attention to a certain beastman sitting uprightly on a big chair. His imposing aura that demands respect and submission were very powerful.

I bow my head respectfully.

"Good day your majesty, my name is harvey, i'm the healer of camel hump valley and an acquaintance of your son. I'm very sorry for being rude and disturb your rest with your mate but i would like to report and inform you about Prince parker situation. This is my mate's idea to ask for your assistance for the retrieval of Parker's female who have been kidnapped by a feral yesterday. Prince Parker were brought to my hut yesterday full of wounds, dislocated ribs and foot by a tiger beastman who witness the fight that took place. He told me that he tried to defend her mate but the feral were much stronger than him. His still unconscious when i left him this morning. My mate volunteer to take good care of him while i travel to report parker's situation to you. She only got me and a snake beastman as her mate. Her other mate doesn't know anything about medicine and she's the only option i could think of to take my place during my absence"I honestly told him.

"Interesting, and what would your mate expectation after helping my son after this?" - he pointedly ask me

"My female didn't expect anything in return as she was just worried for her friend, Parker's female. She doesn't like to meddle in anyone's affair but she was anxious and scared for her friend's safety and welfare. She told me to seek guidance and assistance to his majesty immediately." - i answered truthfully.

"Your female is quite good. Well then i'll send my trackers and scout to trace parker's female whereabouts and let them escort you back to the village while they do a thorough investigation on this matter. Again, Thank you!" - LK (LEOPARD KING)

"No problem your highness" - harvey

"Anything else? - he inquired

"There is one your majesty, i would like to take this opportunity to ask for your majesty's assistance to look for this 3 beastmen that capture my female's attention. She cannot come in person due to our circumstances right now but she would like to meet them in person in the valley, if that's ok." - i replied

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