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"If i know better, you tricky snake, i know your a protege of your legacy, but dang it! son-ofabitxh! That's cheating!! I yelled not admitting defeat.

"Haha! Just admit it that i beat you fair and square love" curtis laugh at me when i try to defend my loss 10 times in a row.

We are now playing chess as my bored ass can't stand the restlessness lying only on the bed. I can't use my phone as it was still charging.

My doctor ordered me to stay in bed and recuperate for the rest of the day. And so, i pester curtis to make me a chess board and it's pieces to relieve my boredom.

I show him the images per piece, the board and each design. He study it and make his way out to do his tinkering.

It only took him an hour for the completion of the board and the chess pieces made of wood.

"Here you go love, so how do you play this thing? He ask with interest.

"Oh, as my newest disciple, please call me sensei coz i'll be teaching you the basic techniques on how to play this game." I smugly told him with my nose pointed up high.

"Sure, sensei" a glint on his eyes as he responds to my smugly face.

After a few matches, curtis overpower me like a pro when he mastered the rules, the technique and maneuvers of each piece. And that's how our game progressed with me in denial of the reality.

"Hmp! Just wait and see, i'll beat your ass down.. " i rambled while arranging it back.

"Ellise? Ellise? Shuu and muir shouted   outside the door.

Me and curtis look curious for the caller outside but lazy to move.

"It sounded like shuu and muir's voice. Babe, could you please check who's outside calling" i called harvey to confirm my suspicion and giggle at curtis being sly again.

Harvey went outside and return with them in tow. I think harvey gave them permission and hinted that they have been officially accepted into our family.

"Hey boys! What's up! " you could see the golden aura around them as they beam with happiness.

"Are you not feeling well? I haven't seen you going out today" shuu looked at me with worried eyes.

"Weeelllllll actually, it's just normal to feel this way when your pregnant" i smiled telling them about my pregnancy.

"Your pregnant?!wow! Congratulations! Who's the lucky beastman? Muir question with a hint of jealousy in his voice.

I look at curtis " it's his and were having 2 females".

Curtis proudly puff his chest and smirk to show off which i roll my eyes to his childishness. (This rascal! He knows how to boast his own ego infront of others)

"It's good that you two came as i have good news to relay for the both of you. I, ellise officially accepted you shuu and muir as my mates. You can go get your stuff now and move in with us if you want." they froze as I merrily announce to them their acceptance.( my inner hoe is now dancing to the rhythm of joy as my collection have been added)

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