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We finally came out before the sun is about to set. I peek at the horizon where the clouds and sun bask in orange hue. Mother nature really knew how to flaunt her beauty. I sigh in amazement, this picturesque view is so breathtaking that i can't help myself to be on a trance. I like this kind of moments, sometimes you have to stop ones in awhile to enjoy small things and luxury that only nature can offer.

"Sooo beautifullll " i utter to myself

"It really is" "beautiful" both males  chorused their compliments with their fiery gaze on me.

I replied with a blush "thank you! same goes for you two as well".

I mean look at them, they're like famous supermodels on a famous magazine with amazing bods to die for and don't forget how handsome they were. (Sorry ladies. This two hunk right here are already taken and off limits.) I keep this thought only to myself, way too dangerous to share this thought to them. I might wake up sore tomorrow if i do that.

They just smirk at my response.

"Let's go home" .i told them then took hold each of their hand smiling.

We make our way home in a total silence. I started humming as i always do when im bored.

I hum a tune "SUZUME " coz i kinda like the vibe of the song right now. Music is art, music is everything to me. It greatly influence my life to the extent that i filled my phone with different kinds of song depending on the mood.

We make our way first to the river to get our staff back and then walk straight home. If you're wondering what happen to the flower crowns i made, squash by my own bum beyond repair. I'll make another one in the future if fate permits.

A groan escape my mouth when i thought about today's possibility, what if there's another feral living there and not curtis? What if i piss him off for intruding on his territory. A chill run down my spine.

I shake my head to dispel this kind of thought. Both my mates look at me questioningly at my behavior.

"Hey curtis, do you think there's another feral living nearby?

Curtis lift his head flicking his fork tongue out checking if there's any.

"There is one, it's a 3 stripe reptilian beastman. His in the other side of the river up ahead. Avoid going there alone in future".he confess.

I fiercely nod my head in understanding. Trembling, i thank the heavens above for not abandoning this weak fickle woman and guided me to my destined forever.

It only took us in minutes to arrive at the hut and settle our things on the floor. Curtis insists to hunt for tonight's dinner.

I took this opportunity to talk and clarify certain things to someone who's sulking on the side.

"Harvey, babe can you please sit beside me for a moment. I have to tell you something" I softly called him.

He sit infront of me with his ear drooping.

"awww, kawaii!! ehem!! I have to say sorry and clarify some things about me taking curtis as mate. I know you would say that it's my right as a female to take males whoever i like but that's the point here,  i love you and respect you as my male, whoever want to join this family requires the approval not just me but my males also. That means, i won't accept any male that my family doesn't like.I don't want any animosity between my males in this family and if there's any misunderstanding or conflict, let us talk it out and solve it peacefully. If the peace talk doesn't work, a little training would be nice but no serious injury to the point of comma.. you understand my point right?" ..i breathlessly spoke in one go.

Harvey just stared at me with his eyes wide and a tear slipped through his face.

"Yes elle, i understand and i love you too so much. Thank you for coming into my life and be my mate. I am the most lucky orc in this whole beastworld." He sniffingly answered

I hugged him tightly and peppered him with kisses in his face which he giggle.

We cuddled and enjoy each other warmth while waiting for curtis to return from hunt.

An hour later...........

Curtis return with his harvest. He caught a wild boar, (yay! Pork 🤤🤤) and fruits like blackberries, apple and a bundle of bananas on bigger version that earth.

The boar were neatly place on a large leaf together with the fruits.

I quickly stood and run to his side welcoming him.

"Welcome back curtis! Thank you for your hard work today. That's a lot to carry but thank you again for providing tonight. Don't worry i'll cook you some delicious meals for dinner. This could be our welcoming celebration for curtis joining our family." I kissed his cheeks and run away before he caught me for an embrace.

Curtis just smiled on my antics and slither his way on our bedroom to rest while waiting for the foods to be cooked.

For tonight's dinner menu, roasted pork with a twist!

CRAZY LIFE IN BEASTWORLDWhere stories live. Discover now