Chapter sixty-one: Luke

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Having my boyfriend on tour with me is fucking awesome. I get to show him arround and to everyone, claiming proudly that he's mine. Nobody care though, they're used to me talking non-stop about him. They hear me on the phone and stuff, I don't complain about missing him to them. It would be so awkward.

Before the show, there's soundcheck and some fans are allowed in. Ashotn sits with them and I find it funny how easily he gets along with my fans. But the funniest is that they don't know who they're hanging out with. They all think he's just a fan. He's more than that, he's my number one fan.

During the shows, Ashton sits backstage while I sing and watches me 'shine'. His words, not mine. And when my part is over, I join him backstage and watch the main act with him. It would be best to sit in the stadium but we don't want to create a riot. And it's safer backstage. The sound is too loud and we can't hear what the other say but we're together and having good time.

Bus-life is another where the struggle starts...

Living in a small bus isn't ideal but living in a bus with five other people is quite a challenge. The bunks are tinny and the space is very restraint. I share the bus with the band, they're very nice lads. You never get bored with them. We always find ourselves playing videogames in the back room or playing random and stupid songs.

''I have nothing against sharing - I'm used to sharing - but this is too much. How can you live with all these people in this tiny bus? You don't feel sufocated?''

I shrugged. ''No. I got used to it, I guess. At first we had little fights but they were over stupid things like 'who ate my food!?'. We don't do much when we're on the road. We mostly sleep or hang out in the back room. We don't live here twenty-four seven,'' I explained.

''What about the beds? You all share a big one?''

I chuckled and shook my head. ''No, silly. We all have our own bunks. They're stacked on top of each other.''


Ashton's never been on the bus before. We've stayed at an hotel for the past few days and tonight is his first bus night. And judging by his infinite number of questions, he's nervous.

''Wanna see the masterpiece?'' I asked, motioning to the bus parked in the arena's parking. The band and rest ofthe team are packing for the night and once everything is loaded into the vans, we're leaving.

''Yeah, sure.'' He offered me a small smile and I led him to the bus.

The driver wasn't in so the door was unlocked. I let us in and started the visit. ''This is our kitchen. It's quite small and compacted but we don't have big meals here. Mostly snacks and stuff and Maccas. If you look into the fridge, we don't have a huge variety, I don't see how we could cook big meals here.'' I opened one of the candy jars and took a handfull, stuffing them in my mouth and offering the other handfull to Ashton which he happily ate. ''These are endless suplies,'' informed. ''You can take some whenever you want, they're always full.''

''Is there chocolate?'' he asked. I nodded, pointing to the jar next to the candy one. This one has mini M&M instead of candies.

''Then there's teh bathroom, you have to press this button to open the door, it's annoying at first but you get used to it. Otherwise, the door would open everytime we'd hit a bump on the road. Not practical when you on the toilet or in the shower. I don't recomend using this shower, the water is fucking freezing and a weird color. It must be broken or something. We all shower in hotels... or not at all.''

Ashton scrunched his face. ''This is nasty, Luke. You need to shower everyday, it's gross if you don't. And you must sweat a lot when you play shows under these hot lights, that's really not hygienic. Your bunk must stink if you don't shower.''

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