Chapter three: Luke

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''Luke, Sweetie, your father is taking you to school early this morning to meet the exchange students who just landed an hour ago,'' said my mother, knocking her fist softly on the wood of my door. 

I moaned, not pleased to be woken up. I slowly half opened my eyes, trying to see the time on my alarm clock. I groaned as I saw the numbers. It was barely six in the morning. Someone please shot me. Who is even up at this time? Oh yeah, my parents are, everyday from Monday to Sunday..

''Tell him I'm not going,'' I replied, loud enough for her to hear before pushing my head back into my pillows, tring to get back to sleep. 

''He is already waiting for you-'' 

''I don't care!'' I yelled. ''Did you heard what I just said?  Or are you deaf? I am not going with him!'' I spat.

I heard her gasp, a little shaken up by my harsh tone. I must've scared her since I heard her leaving. I was starting to feel guilty for yelling at her like that but sometime, you have to do what you have to do to get what you want, right?

I sighed, relieved that she finally left, meaning I can finally sleep. But I guess I was wrong because I heard loud footsteps climbing up the stairs.. It felt too easy to be real. That must be my father and from the way he walk, I don't think he is very happy.

''Luke Hemmings, you better open this door right now or I swear I'll take it off myself,'' warned my father, banging on the wood constantly.

''Keep dreaming,'' I replied, annoyed.

''You won't talk to me on that tone, Luke!'' he continued, louder this time. ''Calm down, Andrew, please. Don't be angry at him, he's a teenager. They all do that, he-''

''He has no right to talk to his parents like that. He have to show us respect and I didn't raise him like that. And my son is not any other teenagers,'' he growled at my mother as if she was one of his co-worker or shit worthy people. And he is the one who talk about respect.. I can't help but snort at that. He is unbelievable. 

I shook my head as I heard them argue on the other side of my  door. I got up and pulled on some jeans and a hoodie along with my vans, took my back pack and climbed out by my window. I'm gonna go to the cabin, it's quieter there and they won't ever find me. Plus, they'll go nuts when they will open the door and find the room empty. 

The walk to the cabin was average fifteen minutes. I had to run for a couple streets, not taking any chances to let them spot me and once I was a couple streets away, I stopped and started walking as I smoke a cigarette or two. 

 When I arrived at the cabin, I got myself cozy and took a nap - went back to sleep - on the couch. Here, no one will disturb me or bang on my door or do anything to annoy me. I was alone and in peace. 

  When I woke up it was almost noon. School was already started - it was now lunch time - but I don't care. My father is the headmaster of the building, he won't call my mother about me missing my classes. That would be both weird and funny. 

I ate the rest of cookies left in the packet on the small table and the left over Pepsi from the small fridge as my breakfast/lunch. As I was eating, I turned on the music on my iPod and put it on the iHome deck so the sound would be louder. After a moment, I found myself signing the lyrics of the songs.

''I'm always screaming my lungs out

Till my head starts spinning.

Playing my songs is the way

I cope with life. Won't keep my voice down.

Know the words I speak are the thoughts

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