Chapter twenty-eight: Ashton

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* Two weeks later *

  Things are cool between Luke and I. Very cool I should say. We hang out after school at home and on the weekends. We don't only 'hang out' but that's nobody's business. Mr Hemmings hasn't been home for a few days now and Luke said it was awesome but I am a little worried. We know he is at school - we've seen him in his office - but he never talk to us anymore except for mere greetings. Not that he is a talkative person in the first place. 

''Luke, can I talk to you for a minute?'' asked the man after he got back from work. ''I'll be in my office waiting for you.'' 

Luke frowned at his father's words. 

''I'll be back, don't pause the movie for me, you can continue watching,'' he said, getting up from the couch, still confused.

I tried to get back to the movie but I was distracted by the voiced farther in the hallway. 

''Hell no!'' yelled Luke from his father's office.

The door might be open, that's why I can hear their conversation. 

''It was not a question. Veronica will move in with us tomorrow,'' I heard Mr Hemmings say.

Who's Veronica?

''I don't want this slut in my house.''

''Don't talk about her like this. Veronica is a nice lady-''

Luke snort. ''Nice fuck, right.''

''I want you to respect her.''

''How dare you talking about respect when you're the one who cheat,'' quizzed Luke.

Oh! Veronica must be Mrs Kennedy's first name.

And like I thought, the man ignored his son's question. ''It's gonna be her house too and I want you to be nice to her.''

''I see you replace my mother pretty fast. Was this all planned already? Did you planned to quit my mother for her?''

''Of course not,'' he snapped. ''I loved your mother dearly but things weren't working between us anymore, Luke. I had wanted to divorce, I really did, but I knew she wouldn't take it good.''

''Her death made the task easier, am I wrong? This way, people wouldn't gossip about your divorce or new found mistress.''

''Veronica is not my mistress. Don't about thing you don't know. I love Veronica,'' he explained.

''Love? I thought is wasn't in your vocabulary,'' he laughed sarcastically.

''Luke, please calm down-''

''How do you want me to be calm after you announce me that your mistress is gonna live here and that she will sleep beside you in my mother's bed? What will it be next? You're gonna ask me to call her 'mum'? Because that's not gonna happen if that's what you want. She won't replace my mother, ever.'' 

''Lucas-'' he started but the boy cut him off. 

''No. I don't want to hear you anymore,'' he announced and stormed off his father's office, running toward the front door and leaving the house. 

I won't lie and say that I haven't thought of following Luke outside but I decided not too. I think he needs to be alone to digest what his father announced him. Learning that another person will move in with you will never be in everyone's favour. Mrs Kennedy was the one Mr Hemmings was - still is apparently - having an affair with. I don't think her moving in is a great idea for the moment. Luke's mother died a few weeks ago, the wound is not closed. He still needs time to recover from that.   

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