Chapter fifty-one: Luke

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''And cut,'' declared the producer as the last scene was finished filming. ''It's a wrap, everybody can go home now.'' He got up from his high seat and walked in my direction. ''You were brilliant, Luke. Impressing for a first time.''

I smiled. ''Thank you, Sir.''

''You were amazing, Luke,'' said Selene, wrapping her tinny arms around my neck, hissing herself on her tiptoe to reach it. My eyes widen, shocked by her gesture. 

I pulled away from her grip, scratching the back of my neck. ''But you haven't seen the final result yet..'' 

''I don't need to. I know you'll look amazing,'' she winked, giggling.

I rolled my eyes and turned, leaving the set. I have a couple missed calls from my boyfriend and I need to return them tonight. I promised myself to do it last night - and the night before - but my days are tiring and all I want to do when I arrive to my hotel at night is sleep. I don't shower at night anymore, I'm too damn tired.

''Where are you going?'' she asked,puling at my arm, stopping me. 

''The video's over so I'm returning to my hotel. I need to make a few calls and then I'm gonna get some sleep. I don't get enough these days and I'm darn tired.'' 

''Oh.. I wanted to as you if you felt like going to Starbucks and have a drink or something. I could give you a little tour of the city - we've never finished the one we started the other day. I've lived here all my life, I know Los Angeles really well than most people.'' 

She had a hopeful smile on her face, probably praying I'd say yes. ''Listen Selene, it's not that I don't want to, I just can't. Not today. Maybe another day?'' 

She sighed. ''But Luke!'' 

''Don't try your spoiled brat comedy on me, it's not gonna work.''

She gave me a look. ''Escuse me?'' she said, a hand on her hip, sass visible in her face. She's seventeen and she act like a child, she's ridiculous. I'm still wondering why they chose her for the music video.. She's probably someone's daughter because her acting skills are doubtful. 

''Wake up! Not everything turn around you. I have other things to do than hanging out with you. You're not my friend or my girlfriend, Selene. You and I's relationship was only for the video shoot. There's nothing between us and will never be. Now, I have to go.'' 

I might've been a little harsh but that girl never understand. She can't take no for an answer. As if she doesn't know what it means. She's pathetic.

  A car took me back to my hotel and I crawled on my bed as soon as I opened the door. I am beyond dead. This crazy, busy schedule and jet-lag is killing me. I grabbed my phone form the nightstand and dialed the familiar number, waiting for my favorite boy to pick up. 


''In person- well, voice,'' I chuckled. ''Did I woke you?'' I asked, sensing the sleepiness of his voice. 

''No, it's just ten-forty,'' he explained. ''I wasn't sleeping yet. But soon.'' 

''Oh.. I just got some free time so I decided to call you. I'm sorry to not calling you back before, I was very busy. Charles has planned a massive week for me and I think I'm gonna go insane,'' I laughed. 

''At least you called.''

I frowned. His voice sounds distant.

''Is everything okay, Love?'' 

He hummed. ''Yes. Why?'' 

''You sound upset. Are you sure you're okay? You can tell me what wrong. I may not be beside you but I am in your heart like you're in mine, always.'' 

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