Chapter seven: Luke

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''Can we talk, Lukey,'' asked my mother when I passed the door, putting down my skateboard.


She told me to follow her and sat on the couch in the day room, closing the french doors behind her. I eyed her curiously. She never close the french doors unless it's for something important. Oh. Did I do something wrong? I can't think of anything for the moment..

''Have a seat, Honey,'' she told me, pointing the the empty space beside her on the long, white couch.

I did as told and turned to her. ''What do you want to talk about?''

''I did your laundry this morning,'' she started. My laundry? I wonder where she is going with that? ''I was filling the washer with your dirty clothes and when I took one of your jeans from the basket, something fell on the floor... I first thought it was some money that you forgot there or something but it wasn't. I-I found pot, Luke. I small bag. It was almost empty.. Do you- Did you take it, Luke?''

Oh shit! I mentally slapped myself in the face for forgetting that in there. I should've left it at the cabin or smoke it at least. I bet she flushed it in the toilet. I paid for it!


''Be honest,'' she begged with pleading eyes.


She sighed and pulled her hands to her face, covering it. No one was in the house so it was silent - my father took Ashton with him since he offered to help him paint the decors for the school's play. I heard small whimpers and lifted my head up to look at my mother. Was she..?

''Are you crying?'' I asked her.

She whipped off her eyes as secretly possible and I rolled my eyes. ''Come on, that's not the end of the world,'' I joked. ''Every teen has smoke pot once in their life.''

She shook her head. ''You're not any teen, Luke. You're my son.'' She paused, trying to not break down or show any emotions. ''I saw what those addict kids does on the television. I-I don't want you to become like them,'' she explained, a tear slipping down her cheek.

I snort. ''Relax, I'm not on crack, it's just pot.''

''Just pot?'' she repeated, not amused at all. ''Pot is a drug for crying out loud, Luke.''

''I know!'' I yelled back, getting up and making her jump in both surprise and fear.

''People have more chances to die when taking drugs.''

''I don't care, I'll die one day anyway,'' I laughed. Who does she think I am? A five years old child?

She frowned. ''Then why are you-'' she started but I cut her off.

''Because I want to, okay. It's my life, I do whatever I want with it and you can't do anything about it.''

''I'm your mother and you are under my responsibility until you are eighteen. You have to listen to me.. and your father too.''

I laughed hard at that. ''Well, that's not my fault if you are shit at being parents!'' I spat at her, taking her by surprise.

That said, I left the room and stormed out of the house.

  The following week was quite tense between my mother and I. She and I hardly talked except for some weak hellos in the morning to not makes my father suspicious that she and I got into an argument. I feel like Ashton is starting to notice something but I know he won't talk about it.

After supper, I changed into some nice clothes - ripped skinny jeans and a grey, worn looking muscle tank. I grabbed my red plaid flannel and headed out the door for tonight's show. It's been awhile I haven't performed at school and I'm a little nervous. Nothing like the beginner's fright. I've chose a song by one of my favorite band. I usually chose a song I personally relate to but for the sake of the competition, I wanted all the chances on my side so I chose a song that well make people vote for me.

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