Epilogue: Ashton

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This year, I signed in for the school's student exchange project. At first, I didn't know what to expect - like most people who's never done that in the past - but was none the less very excited to live with a new family and see how someone else's life is like.

The first reason I signed up for this project was becuase I was bullied at school but let's skip that part. When I arrived in Australia (Sydney), I was, along with other exchange students, taken to the school where we would meet our partners. All student had their partners but mine was missing so we met later that day. To say Luke and I didn't get along was an understatement. He hated me and I knew it. He told me - as if his attitude wasn't enough. He was constantly rude toward me for no reson and thinking low of me as if I was a goody two shoes.

Lucky for me, we got along at some point.

I've changed during my experience. When my plane took off to Australia, I was stuck up and very closed but now, with the help of Luke, I am more open. I want to try new experiences even if I'm affraid. That'swhat Luke thought me. Face your fears and go head first trough them. 

During my stay, my emotion went on a free rollercoaster ride. No jocking. I cried, laughed and.. fell in love. Falling in love wasn't something I was expecting. It really took me off guard to say the least. All I wanted was living a new and interesting experience but I got a lot more that I wanted. I did crazy things in Asutralia and went out of my boundaries. I went skinny dipping, learned to ride a skateboard, smoked cigarettes (only nice and I highly regret, it was disgusting) and more. 

A/N I know I didn't warn you that it was over but it is. Kinda. I have another epilogue coming soon in Luke's POV. This is epilogue is the worksheet the boys gives their teacher for the final part of their exchange. This is diferent fron what I've seen in most books and I hope you like it! 

Now, tell me what your favourite Ashton scene was? (I'll do the same with Luke in the next chapter/epilogue)

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