Chapter two: Ashton

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“Ashton, babe can you help me with the shop after school?” Mum said as I was making my way out the door.

“Do you even have to ask? I’m going now, bye mum” I answer and make my way to school.

Today is a new day meaning new experiences; I’m all about trying new things. When the school did a project everyone was scared to do, I was excited and couldn’t wait for it to start. Here at my school I am considered the nerd; I don’t get bullied for it, it’s more like ‘I’ll stay out of your way if you stay out of mine’ kind of thing.

I make my way on to school campus and meet my friend Joseph; we don’t really talk in the mornings, I find no point in meting up. We make our way to my locker and get the books I need for today’s classes. Today I have; Maths, English, Music, lunch, Chemistry, Biology, and then I get a free period. Today will be an easy day since I am ahead in all my classes and love music and do not need to worry about it.

When we get to our first class, we sit in the back and wait for the announcements to start.

“Good morning. Hope everyone had a great weekend; today’s announcements are simple.

1.Students in year 10 will go on an exchange program to a school in New Zeeland, for sign-ups go see your counselors.

2.Students in year 11 can sign up to partner up with students that will come here from Aussie, if you want to partner up please talk to your English teacher for approval. After getting approval, you can come to my office and we will talk.

3.The girl’s basketball team will have a game on Friday, go and support the girls.

4.All the Music students will have a project to write a song and perform it n front of the school. If you sign up for the exchange program you will either; be excused from the project if you are in year 10. If you are in year 11 and sign up, you and the partner you get can work on the project together.

That’s all hope everyone has a great day. Goodbye.”

The announcements finished and the teacher started explaining the lesson we are going to work on today


After music way over Joseph and I made our way to lunch, everyone was talking about the exchange program. Some were saying there is limited space; some were saying they are already signed up for it. I knew if I wanted to get a partner then I would need to talk to my teacher as soon as possible to be signed up and ready to go. I did not even eat lunch because I went to talk to my English teacher about the exchange program.

“Ashton you came, I was wondering how long it would take you to get here” Mr. Wilson says

I let out a chuckle "Well I have heard there is only limited time for this, and as you may know I love trying new things."

"Yes I do know. You have my approval, now go on get out of here and into the headmaster's office." he smiled

I smiled back and thanked him. I made my way to the front office to get the rest of this finished.

I walked into the office, the headmaster was ready to talk to me.

"Tell me why I should choose you. One good thing you would show him or her when they come. Lastly, tell me what your grades and intentions are." the headmaster said

"I think you should choose me because I am very good in my academics. One thing I would show him or her has to be the music center or the theater. I have no intentions, I want to do this because this will be a great opportunity to meet a new friend and also a great way to try something new." I say pleased with my answer

"Tell me your name and English teacher I think you might be one of the chosen ones to show our visitor around." she said.

I gave her my information and left the office, with a smile on my face. If all goes good I will have a new friend and new experiences by the end of this exchange thing.

**After School at the shop**

“Hello my name is Ashton may I help you in anyway?” I ask the customer that walks into the shop. I got out of school two hours ago and have been helping my mum out with watering plants, making bouquets out of all sorts of flowers, and other things like that.

“Yes, tomorrow is my wife’s birthday and I want to get her some flowers that say she is beautiful; if that’s possible.” The man said

“A flower that symbolizes beauty, how about some amaryllis? There are many color varieties including white, pink, orange, red and white making this a very versatile flower. The amaryllis flower is a symbol of splendid beauty, it is traditionally used to indicate worth beyond physical beauty ” I stated smiling widely

“That would be wonderful, yes.” He smiled widely

I got his name and address so I could send someone to deliver them to his wife. I smiled as he left. After a while I stated getting a little bored; I started walking around the store and getting some of my favorite flowers to make it into a flower-crown. Usually when I help my mum I always have a flower-crown, people that come buy flowers like it they say ‘it takes a real man to wear flowers on his head, never change my boy’ it makes me feel proud of myself.

I never want to change; I like my life living with my mum and little brother and sister, going to a good school while having good grades. Oi and helping my mum in the flower shop; if I didn’t help her I don’t know where my time would go. As you can see, I don’t have many friends Joseph is maybe my only friend, even thought we rarely talk and when we do it’s usually him telling me I should try something new. Like ‘you should stop being your shy self, try something out of your comfort zone, then you will see life can be really fun’ but I always say the same thing ‘I like being my shy self I don’t mind being me, being me is fun you should try it’ then we would stop talking about the subject.

My thoughts are cut short when I heard the bell, which was over the door, sounded. I looked to see who was at the door only to be met with my mum’s eyes, I smile at her and hold up a finger I walk to the back of the store to get a flower. My mum knows what some flowers mean but not all.

  I get her somepink and red Carnations, Pink Carnations symbolize the love of a mother or a woman; red carnations symbolize love, admiration and pride. I, of course, love my mum that much is true. Forever and always. She smiles knowing what they mean I smile at her and open my arms wide- one thing you should know I am taller than my mum so it’s easy to hug her- she walks into my arms and hugs me, I wrap my arms tightly around her and rest my chin on her head. I look down at her and kiss er temple mumbling an ‘I love you’ to her.

Written by Lashton_larry_fun

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