Chapter fourty-four: Ashton

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''Do I really have to take these to school?'' asked the blue eyed boy with pleading eyes. ''I can walk perfectly well on my own.'' 

''Yes. The doctor said you have to use them if you are walking for a long time to not stretch your stitches on your thigh, Luke. I know they are not very cool but you need them.'' 

''I'm not using these crutches, Ashton. I'll look stupid walking with that.'' 

''No you won't.'' 

He rolled his eyes. ''You're not the one using them..'' 

I sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed next to him. ''Why don't you want to use them?'' I quizzed. ''Tell me the truth, Luke.'' 

''That's dumb..'' he mumbled, hiding his face in my shoulder. 

I kissed his temple, starting to pet his blond locks. ''I'm sure it's not. Just tell me.''

''I don't want to look weak. When someone use crutches, they look invalid and disabled,'' he explained softly, his head resting on my shoulder. 

''But you're far from weak. You just got into a motorcycle accident and have piratically nothing. Let's not mention that you were not wearing an helmet..'' I glared at the blonde for a second. I'm still mad at him for not wearing an helmet but we can't do anything. It's too late. ''That's a miracle. You could've been dead at this time, Luke but you are not. You survived. You're a fighter. You are a strong guy, Luke. Not weak,'' I told him. I saw a small smile tugging at the taller's lips. ''Now finish getting ready, we're leaving in five.'' 

He groaned, falling on his back on the mattress. ''No,'' he whined like a five years old, making me laugh. 

''I got a call from my management during break this morning,'' said Luke during lunch. 

I looked up at him. ''What was it about?'' 

''They were angry at me for 'risking my whole career' by breaking my wrist,'' he explained, rolling his eyes. ''Can't they understand it was a damn accident? I did not broke my wrist on purpose.''

I nod. Luke is right. His wrist is an accident. He did not break it on purpose. Who would do that? Must be crazy. 

''Have you told them?'' I asked, taking a vegetable to put it in my mouth. 

''Of course I did but they didn't want to hear any of it. They said my injury will delay my career because I can't play guitar with a broken wrist and once the cast it off, I will have to do some physiotherapy to gain all my strength and abilities back.'' He paused, taking a sip from his drink. ''I had a burning needs to tell them to fuck off but they are my management and I owe them everything for starting my career. I hate being polite. It's not fun.''

I laughed because I can totally imagine Luke saying that to his management. ''They would've been pissed at you if you did that,'' I chuckled. 

''They would've fired me,'' he corrected, laughing along. 


  I was walking down the science hallway, on my way to my locker when I heard people arguing. The voices were familiar so I stopped and decided to listed their conversation.

''It was an accident! The van fucking hit me,'' I heard Luke yell from across the hallway. I raised a curious brow and walked in direction of the voices but stayed hidden behind a wall. ''I can repay it-'' 

''I don't need your money, Hemmings, I want my motorcycle back, right now.''

I know this voice too. It's very familiar. Is that Hervey?

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