Chapter thirty-four: Ashton

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  I was stupid to think Luke would want to go to prom with me. Luke's not the type of guy who wears suits - he didn't wore one for his mother's funerals, let alone going to prom. He never dress fancy. He's always wearing black skinny jeans and tees. I've never seen him wearing a shirt that didn't had a checked pattern on it. I can't even imagine him wearing a black tux and matching shirt. I bet he'd look ridiculous. 

When we got home, I went to my room to start my homework while Luke complained, saying homework are dumb and that we should have sex instead. It made me laugh. But I still took out my book and did my homework. During this time, I could hear Luke's loud music blasting from the speakers. It was pretty disturbing and made it difficult for me to concentrate but I managed to do my homework. 

''No, you're doing it wrong,'' repeated Luke as we were sitting in front  of the small television at the cabin. We went here after eating dinner. Mr Hemmings and Veronica were having 'rapports' so we left, not wanting to be present. He took the controller from my hand and press a few buttons. ''This is how you do it, Ash. Try to remember,'' laughed the blonde, handing me the controller back.

''What are you doing here?'' asked Michael, entering in the cabin. His eyes were on me and then traveled to Luke.

''Luke's teaching me play Fifa,'' I informed him. ''Wanna play?'' I asked, handing him a controller.

He tossed it on the floor.

''You can't be here, get the fuck out.'' Michael gripped my arm and pulled me up forcefully, almost making me stumble. 

Seeing what was happening, Luke got up. ''Don't touch him,'' warned the blonde, pushing the red haired guy, making his step back a little. 

''It's our cabin. He's not allowed here,'' said Michael, pointing to me.

''You guys were not there. I can invite who I want.''

''No. We've talked about this before. The cabin is a place for us to hang out, not some hotel room to have sex in.''

''We were not having sex.'' 

''Not today, but you did.''

''So what? That's none of your business if we did or not have sex here.''

''It's my and Calum's business too. We all hang out here and sit on that damn couch when I bet you were both naked on. That's just gross, Luke. we all sit on that couch!''

''We didn't spill anything on it! Calm the fuck down.''

I face-palmed. This conversation- argument is getting a little embarrassing.. I'm not feeling comfortable when Luke talk about our sexual activities like this, so openly. It should stay between the two of us. Michael shouldn't know about any of this. 

''How can you be so sure? The tee shirt I picked up from the headrest was dirty. And let's not talk about the condom wrapper on the floor. I didn't see the condom in the bin and I'm not sure if I want to know where it's been,'' he shivered, disgusted. 

''Don't be so grossed. It's not like any of us have fucking diseases.'' 

''Maybe not you but how are you so sure about him?'' Once again, Michael pointed at me and this time Luke slapped his hand down. 


Things took a totally different direction, now. Why is Michael accusing me of having sexual disease? Where did that come from? But mostly, how could I have any sexual disease if I was a virgin when I have been intimate with Luke? The blue eyed boy is also the only one I had intimate rapports with. He's the only one I trust enough to see me at my most vulnerable state. 

Luke frowned. ''Why are you accusing him of such thing?'' 

''Someone told me. She said Ashton gave her something,'' he explained.

''Since when are you listening to gossips?'' Luke snickered. ''I know Ashton's clean, Mikey. Don't try to trick me just to-'' 

''This girl's my sister, Luke!'' yelled the other. ''She's not a liar. She said her and Ashton slept together at a party and that he gave her-''

''That's, fucking bullshit,'' argued Luke, raising his voice. ''Ashton would never sleep with your sister. Right, Ash?'' he asked.

I nod. ''I don't swing that way. I'm gay, Michael,'' I whispered, looking at my lap, not wanting to meet Michael's eyes, still scared of what he might do. I shouldn't be scared though. I know Luke will intervene if his friend tries to make a move on me. He'll defend me, I trust him. 

''You can have sex with girls to. You could be bi.'' 

I shook my head again. I heard Luke snort. ''I'm sorry Mikey but I don't think Ashton could get it up for a girl.''

I felt my cheeks heat up at Luke's words. I can't believe her just said that. It's true but he didn't have to say it. Especially not to Michael Clifford. Ugh, I'm so embarrassed and angry at him. He's invading my privacy and I'm not liking it one bit. 

''Luke..'' I warned. 

''Well, maybe there's a little communication problem between your sister and you, Clifford.''

''Everyone at school is taking about it. They all know about her and Ashton having disease,'' he informed us. 

''Maybe she caught that from someone else?''

''Are you saying my sister's a slut?''

''She is the one who caught something..'' trailed Luke, not finishing his phrase. Michael then left, saying he had some talking to do, leaving Luke and I alone at the cabin. 

I groaned, sitting on the couch. ''Please tell me I'm dreaming.''

''Sorry, but you're not. You're very much awake,'' said Luke, siting beside me on the couch. 

I turned and hid my face in his shoulder. ''I just want to die of embarrassment.'' 

He chuckled, pressing a kiss to the top of my curls. ''You can't die, I'll miss you if you do.'' He wrapped his arms around my back, pulling me to his chest. ''Who's gonna give me blow-jobs anymore?''

I fist my hand and hit him. ''I'm not your toy, Hemmings.'' 

He kissed my temple, smiling. ''I know. I'm just playing around.'' He paused, taking time to enjoy our cuddle. ''Talking about blow-jobs,'' he said in my ear, ''I wouldn't mind getting one.'' 

''Okay, I can give you one later tonight if you-'' I started but he cut me off. 

''No. I mean right now.''

I lifted my head off his shoulder, staring at him. ''Oh..'' 

I smirked and moved to straddle him. I started unbuttoning Luke's monochrome plaid flannel shirt, kissing down his neck to collarbone, leaving little bites along the way and making my way to his jeans. I slowly unbuttoned them, teasing him. I felt him growing hard as he bucked his hips, searching for my touch.

Someone's eager tonight.

Once I the blonde was discarded of both his jeans and boxer, his flannel shirt lazily hanging over his shoulder - it was half off and he looked so hot like this - , I climbed off his lap and got on my knees on the floor. He bite his bottom lip as I looked up, meeting Luke's blue eyes and smirked, leaning forward to take him into my mouth.

  As I laid in my bed on my back, I started thinking since I was not tired. I can't wait for next week. I am really excited to see my family and present Luke to my mother and siblings. I wonder if they're gonna like him? I mean, Luke can be a little obnoxious when you first meet him and is also very impolite but I hope my mother will like him because I do. I do a lit actually. And if she hates him, I don't know what I'm gonna do..

A/N Short I know but I'm tired (what a shame) and I got caught up with some TV shows tonight.. What do you think will happen next? Thoughts on Luke? Thoughts on Ashton? Thoughts on Michael? Are you excited for them to go in England? What do you think will happen there? Please let me know what you think in the comments below and don't forget to vote. (10 comments for the next chapter)

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