Chapter fourty-five: Luke

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  My father was more than pissed when he got the phone call from school. He yelled some profanities at me over the phone, letting me know his anger degree - which was very high. He told me the usual 'how disappointed he is and how my mother would be too if she was still alive' and 'how much of a disgrace I was to him'. Nothing new. He just had a more angry tone. Since it was nighttime back in Australia and the principal probably woke him up when they called, he was still in sleeping mode and forgot about the going back to Australia promise, thanks God.

''What did he say?'' asked the curly haired boy, patiently waiting for me on a chair despite the principal's orders to get in class.

''I-I don't want to talk about it, Ash..'' I trailed off. ''Not here at least. I'm suspended for the rest of the day so do you wanna head home now?''

He bite his lip. Leaving with me right now would making him skip classes and I know the boy never did that before. I can also feel how nervous he is by the way his eyes blinks too much and look from side to side as if he suspect someone to spy on us.

''Okay,'' he smiled, taking my free hand in his and pulling we out of the waiting area and to the lockers to get our stuff and head home afterwards. His answer surprised me but I did not complain about it. Skipping class with Ashton has it's advantages. Firstly, we'll be alone at the apartment since Ashton's mum is working and Lauren and Harry are at school. Secondly, we can do whatever we want without being interrupted - don't think dirty, we're not some sexual addicts. And thirdly-

''What's taking you so long?'' whined Ashton, waiting for me at the school's door. 

''I'm coming!'' I called and joined him. I would've ran - or jogged since I hate running - but my injured leg prevents me from doing so. 

  Instead of going home right away, we stopped by a small pub to get some food. It might have been two in the afternoon but we were hungry. Ashton said he loved this place so I offered to eat there before going to his place. We sat in the back of the pub due to Ashton being creeped by the window seats, saying he can't eat if there's people looking at him outside. I couldn't help but laugh at that. That boy.. 

I ordered a burger, craving one after all these disgusting hospital food I ingested last week. Ashton took a plate of fries and animal nuggets, I swear he is still a child. Firstly the Ninja Turtle sheets on his bed, then his collection of Marvel pajamas and boxers - let's pretend I never saw the figurines hidden in a box underneath his bed and not the animal nuggets. 

''Enjoying your meal, Babe?'' I asked, teasingly, pointing to his food. 

He frowned and glared at me for a second. ''I am not a baby, Luke. I just wanted chicken nuggets and the only ones they have happen to be animal shaped,'' he explained. 

''Sure, Babe,'' I repeated, making him groan. I smirked, knowing I was annoying him. 

''Stop,'' he whined. 

''I'm just messing with you,'' I promised, stealing a fries from his plate. 

''Hey!'' he screeched, earning a few glares from some clients in the pub. ''It was mine. Ask to waiter to bring you a plate if you want fries.'' 

I shook my head. ''It's better when it's from your plate. And don't forget I am the one paying for this meal. I have all the right to eat your food.''

The hazel eyed boy pointed an accusating finger at me. ''Shush, Hemmings, and let me enjoy my animal chicken nuggets in peace,'' he said, happily placing a bite in his mouth, slowly chewing and exaggeratedly moaning at the taste. 

  After I paid, we left the pub and walked home. My leg was starting to kill me for walking for so long - maybe Ashton was right, I should've took these ugly crutches.. I can't wait to finally rest and take some painkillers. 

''Are you okay?'' asked the concerned looking boy as he saw me taking the bottle of painkillers and pouring myself a glass of water from the tap. 

I nod, sitting on a chair in the kitchen, struggling to stand at this point. I flashed him a small smile despite the throbbing pain in my thigh. ''I'll be in a minute, don't worry.'' 

Apparently, not worrying was not in Ashton's vocabulary because the shorter boy did anything but worry. He sat on the chair beside mine a frown on his forehead as he bite his lip. ''I-is it my fault?'' 

I looked up at him, confused. ''What?'' 

''That your leg hurt.'' 

''No. I should've listened to you in the first place and used these damn, ugly crutches,'' I explained. 

''You should lay on my bed for a moment, I'm sure it's more comfortable than sitting on the wooden chair of the kitchen,'' he suggested.  

He was right. These chair are not the comfiest. I nod and being the caring boy he is, Ashton helped me up and led the way to his bedroom, a protective and secure hand on my lower back so I would not fall. I pushed back the burning envy to roll my eyes at his gesture. Yes, my leg hurts but not enough to make me lose my balance and fall. 

I sat on his bed and lay flat on my back, silently sighing of relief.

''Do you need anything else? A cup of tea? Some more painkillers? Water maybe?'' he asked, pulling the comforter over to my chin as if I was a kid. 

''I'm injured, Ash, not helpless or dying,'' I chuckled, ruffling his messy curls I love so much. 

''But I promised the doctor I would take good care of you-''

''You are. You're the best doctor I could ever ask for,'' I promised. ''No one is as caring and considerate as you are.'' I sealed my promise with a kiss to the boy's lips, making him grin widely, dimple showing. ''Now coma lay with me, I want a Ashton cuddle,'' I said, pulling him closer and wrapping my arms around his more petite body. I wouldn't say Ashton's petite like a girl but he is definitely not ask tall or 'built' as I am. He has some muscular arms biceps.. They're definitely a turn on. Definitely

Ashton's body was pressed against my side, careful to not hit or even touch my thigh, scared to hurt in more than it already is, his arms wrapped tightly around my middle and chest as mine were over his back and shoulder. Our legs were tangled together but not like they usually are because Ashton's being paranoid of hurting me. His head rests on my chest whilst my free hand play with his soft, curly hair. 

Moments like this are perfect. I wish we could share more of these.

''Oh, did I told you we are babysitting my siblings tonight? My mum have a meeting with her banker and-'' said Ashton, breaking the peaceful and silent mood of the apartment. 

I sat up. ''What the hell? You just ruined the mood to tell me that. You could've waited a few more minutes, hours even.'' 

He shrugged. ''Sorry,'' he giggles. ''I dind't want to forget to tell you.'' 

''I hate you, Irwin,'' I groaned.

''And I love you,'' he said, taking both of us by surprise. Ashton's eyes widen ten time bigger than usual as I looked at him, chocked by the three last words that slipped from his mouth.

A/N To makeup for the chapter that did not work for some of you, I decided to write a Lashton only chapter - and added some cliffhanger at the end, of course. Do you think Ashton is taking good care of Luke? How do you think Luke will react at Ashton's sudden confession? Will he say the three words back? Will this make their relationship go forward or downhill due to Luke's fear of relationship? Please answer these questions in the comments below, I love to read what you think! And don't forget to check out my new books!! 

The twisted life of a misunderstood teenager (Larry and Lashton)

Black inked soul (Lashton)

DNA (Lashton)

P.S The photo on the side - or top - is what Ashton looks like during the chapter. 

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