Chapter twenty-two: Ashton

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 I lay on my bed, pants off and tee shirt riddled half way up, staring at the ceiling as the blond boy beside me was sleeping with his arms wrapped around my middle. It's late and I should be sleeping too but for an odd reason I can't. My mind is taking over once again and forbid me from sleeping. 

Not to mention that I still haven't changed from my dirty underwear.. I feel so gross now that I think about it. I really have to change. I glanced down at the sleeping angel - what am I saying, Luke is far from an angel - and slowly untangled him from me, careful to not wake him. Once I was free of his grip, I got up from the bed, grabbed some clean underwear and went for the bathroom.

While I was there, I took a shower, washing the light sweat from Luke and I's unexpected make out session off my body. Now feeling clean and fresh, I dried my hair the best I could with a towel and put my clean clothes on before exiting the bathroom. 

When I came back in my room, Luke still was fast asleep but now hugging my pillow. I smiled at the sight. I put my dirty clothes in the hamper  - thanks God I do my own laundry of else it would have been awkward - and I heard the buzzing sound of a phone. I frowned. Mine's off so it can't be mine. It must be Luke's. I searched on the floor, the electronic object must have been thrown on the ground or something like that when things got a little bit.. heated. I found it after a moment and opened the message by accident. I swear I only wanted to pick it up and give it to Luke. 

From: Mia

U free tonight, I need you? ;)  

I read on the screen. The smile on my face fell as I read the text. I know Luke is known to sleep around - he told me himself - but I didn't thought girls sent him messages to have sexual relation. It's creepy. And disgusting also.

''What are you doing?'' asked a hoarse, sleepy voice. I turned and saw Luke half awake with eyes struggling to stay open and messy hair. 

I smiled at him. ''Nothing, go back to bed.'' 

''Come here,'' he said, making grabby hands in my direction before laying back down and crawling under the comforter, waiting for me to join him. ''I'm lonely in your bed,'' he added. 

I put tossed the phone on the floor and joined him under the covers.

''I can't tonight,'' I heard someone whisper. ''Well it's not my fucking problem,'' replied the same voice but in a more harsh tone this time.

I opened my eyes and spotted Luke speaking on the phone. I glanced at my alarm clock and saw it was three in the morning. Who is he talking to at this hour? ''Luke?'' I asked sleepily as I rubbed my eyes.

''I have to go,'' he mumbled into the mobile before hanging up. I could hear some protest from the other person but he still hung up, making the line go dead.  

''Who was that? It's too early for phone calls,'' I said with a tired frown.

He put his phone on the nightstand and sinked under the covers. ''I didn't meant to wake you,'' he apologized. ''You can go back to sleep.''

 ''No. Don't try to avoid the question.'' 

''It was a.. friends of mine you could say,'' he replied.

''A 'friend'?'' I repeated with quotations. ''By any chance, would that 'friend' happened to be named Mia?'' I asked. 

He scrunched his face. ''How did you know?'' 

''I heard your phone going off when I came back from my shower and I wanted to pick it up to hand it to you but I opened it by accident and I read it,'' I explained, looking down. ''I feel bad for intruding your privacy.''

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