Chapter six: Ashton

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  After I woke up, I immediately went downstairs to get a bowl of cereal since I was starving. As i searched for the wanted box, I discovered that Luke wasn't home since the door was still unlocked from when I came back this morning. I had to walk home from that party and let me tell you, finding a place in the dark is much harder than in the day. 

''How did it go last night? Was Luke nice to you?'' asked Mr Hemmings as I was eating my bowl of cereal. He walked in the kitchen, starting the coffee machine, needing his morning caffeine. 

''He surprisingly was very nice actually,'' I lied. ''He introduced me to his friends Michael and Calum. We had a lot of fun.''

I hate lying to Mr Hemmings. He has been so nice to me so far by accepting me into his house and here I am, lying to him. I hate lying, period. It makes me feel sick in my stomach. 

''Really?'' he said, surprised. 

I nod. ''Yeah. He didn't even yell at me or put me aside. Incredible,'' I chuckled.

''It really is,'' confirmed the man, pouring his coffee in the navy mug and taking a sip. 

''Do you have anything planned today?'' I asked him, trying to make conversation and being nice to make up for my horrid lies. 

''I have files to fill and other paperworks, nothing exciting. The usual.'' 

I frowned, confused. ''You work on the weekend? Isn't school closed?'' 

''It is but I am never not working. Being director of a high school is a full time job,'' he explained, sitting next to me with his news paper in hands. 

''Well, I have nothing planned today so if you ever need my help, I'll be in my room,'' I informed Mr Hemmings, retiring myself from the table and putting my empty bowl in the sink. 

''Where were you?'' I asked Luke when I saw him pass in front of my room. I put my book down on the comforter of the bed and waited for an answer.

''With Cal and Michael, obviously,'' he replied bluntly. 

''Why did you left me alone at the party? You told your father you would take me with you and introduce me to your friends.'' 

''I never promised him I would take you everywhere like a fucking dog, Ashton! I have friends and a life too. And I don't want you in it.'' 

I gulped. ''This is mean, Luke..'' 

''Well, I never said I would be nice to you. Stop acting like we could be friends because it's never gonna happen. I don't hangout with nerdy boys like you.'' 

''Yeah, you prefer getting pissed drunk and smoking pot at parties and sleeping around,'' I spat at him. Him face changes from annoyed to angry in a second. I instantly regret saying those words. My mum wouldn't be proud of me if she had heard me. I shouldn't be accusing people I don,t know of being such things. That's mean. 

''Well, I had a blast last night,'' he replied before going in his room - slamming the door loudly like always - to probably take a shower since I could smell the alcohol he drank from my sitting place. 

''You know I could ditch you there and leave with my friends?'' said Luke as we left the house, him rolling on his skateboard. 

''I know. But I could also tell your father about last night's party and everything I saw. I might be a nerd who likes to learn and read book but I am not dumb.'' 

''Why did you cover for me?'' he asked. ''I'm always mean to you, you didn't have to.'' 

''It's not because you are being mean to me that I have to do the same. Being mean is unnecessary and only makes people argue. Plus, your father is enough on your back.'' 

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