Chapter nineteen: Luke

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''Did I told you I won the Sidney's finale?'' I asked. ''I don't think so since it happened barely two days ago,'' I chuckled. ''I know you weren't happy that I participate to this contest but I remember when I was a kid you told me to always follow my dream and do what makes me happy. After signing on this stage for the Sidney's finale, I am a hundred percent sure of what I want to do in life. I want to sing. I've always been into music. I remember how much time I spent in my bedroom listening to music as I laid on my bed and doing nothing else. How much the lyrics would affect me. I've recently started writing my own songs and I'm getting good I think.'' I paused, laughing a little at myself because I have no idea if I am truly good. ''I hope you're proud of me from up there. I-I miss you, mother. I've never told you but I love you and I miss you a lot,'' I said, touching the engraved letters of her name on her grave. 

''Home's not good without you. I know I've always been a burden to you but you managed to keep up with me. I'm sorry for all the mean things I told you and for all the times I yelled at you. Now that you're gone, I feel guilty for making you cry so many times due to my behaviour and for being a bad son. I should've been nicer to you and been more respectful.'' 

''Father has been a dick since you left. He keeps blaming me for your death but I known it's not. You've told me yourself and I believe you. He and Mrs Kennedy's affair is still happening but I am not gonna talk about this to you. That would be a very shit move from me..'' I scratched the back of my head, searching for other things I wanted to say on my way to the cemetery but found none. I told my goodbye to her and left. 

''Where were you?'' asked Ashton from the couch when I opened the door, kicking my black vans on the carpet near the door. He was watching some cartoons while eating a plate of what I suspect being homemade chocolate cookies.

''Talking to someone I regret not to...''

  Later that afternoon, Michael invited Calum and I for a swim in his new pool. The weather was unusually hot today and we all knew the beach would be packed so Michael's pool is the best choice to freshen up. The boys and I are also not fans of the beach. 

''Check this guys!'' yelled Calum, running from the back on the yard to then jump into the water, making a bomb. 

We all laughed as Michael yelled in pain, falling in his journey to join the clack haired on in the pool. ''Needs running classes, Mickey?'' I joked and he gave me the finger in return. I shook my head and laughed at his gesture, making my way to the water to join my friends. 

The afternoon was spent in the water, splashing each other and laughing till it was starting to get dark. Calum and I ate dinner at Michael's. His father took out the barbecue and we ate hot-dogs and burgers. It was yummy. 

Later that night, we all decided to go at the cabin and sleep there. Sleeping was an understanding because we mostly played Fifa, listen music ate junks and drink beers. Boys night are the best. We even forgot about having school the next day Oops...

  Music class started today. I was really pleased to have this class mostly because John's the teacher - finally one that won't hate me and send me to the Principal's for stupid things - and because music it  the thing I love the most in life. 

Ashton was in my group and we decided to sit together. Our first work consisted talking about a musician/band we admire. I chose Blink 182 because there're one of my favourite band. We had fifteen minutes to write our text about why we like this artist and try to convince the class to listen to their music. 

Most people talked about the pop stars and boy-bands of the moment, some chose some old bands like The Rolling Stones, Iron Maiden or even The Beatles. I didn't paid to much attention as my classmates talked about their favourite artist. I didn't care about how hot that guy was or how good of a dancer that other chick was. But one caught my attention. 

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