Chapter eighteen: Ashton

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''I did it, Ashton!'' he yelled, running backstage and pulling me in a hug. He spun me around once and put me back on the floor. 

 I grinned, happily and pulled away. ''I knew you could do it,'' I told him. He was smiling bright, dimples on show and proud of himself. 

''Next step is gonna be harder though.''

I sighed, shaking my head at his words. ''Don't be so negative, Luke.''

''I'm not. I'm being realistic, Ashton. Winning my school's contest was easy and so was the Sidney's finale but the next and last step is Australia's finale. The grand finale. People from all over Australia will be there. I'm sure there's people more talented than me. I'm just some teenager who plays guitar and sings...'' 

I cupped  his face, forcing him to look at me. ''You're not any typical teenager. You are amazing and very talented. You write your own songs and that makes you gain more points. Not everyone can express their feelings into songs or even has the courage to plays them in fronts of a crowd. I also had the chance to see you perform on stage and let me tell you that you are glowing up there. You can tell that singing is your life. You are made for the stage. You look like you know what you are doing - even if you're not - and love your public. Every time they see you, the crowd go wild.''

He blushed. ''You're exaggerating,'' he said, turning his face away so I can't see his rosy cheeks. 

''I'm not,'' I promised. ''I don't lie to make people happy, Luke. Lies are pointless and always end up hurting more people than it should. I prefer saying the truth even if it's not great news.'' I paused. ''Now, why don't we all go and celebrate your victory around some pizza?'' I suggested. 

''All?'' he repeated, confused. 

''You, me, Michael and Calum,'' I explained. 

''Brilliant, let's, go find them!'' 

  I heard some loud footsteps and some more noises followed by laughs. I groaned and pulled the covers off my body. I reluctantly got up from my bed and followed the annoying noises that woke me up. I was led downstairs in the kitchen and also met a familiar blond lad. 

''What are you doing?'' I asked him, rubbing my tired eyes. He ignored me and kept walking - wobbling - around. ''Did you drink?'' He hummed and shook his head. I groaned. I should've known Michael and Calum would make him drink when I left the pizza parlour. They might not be legal yet but I'm sure  they can manage to find some alcohol. ''You did. You're drunk,'' I told him. 

'' 'M not,'' he grumbled, almost inaudible.

I rolled my eyes. ''And I'm the England's King,'' I joked, not amused. ''You should go to bed, Luke. It's late and I'm sure you don't want your father to hear you and notice that you are drunk.'' 

He shrugged. ''Wouldn't be the first time,'' he replied. 

''Come on,'' I insisted, gripping his arm and trying to pull him toward the stairs. 

He shook his head. ''No,'' he whined. ''I'm not sleepy,'' he argued. 

''But you have to go to bed,'' I repeated. ''It's late and I'm very tired. Please cooperate and go to bed, Luke,'' I tried but he didn't move. 

It took me fifteen minutes to get him to move and finally climb the stairs, making sure he wouldn't fall and take him to his room. I had to put my hand over his mouth to shut him up since he wouldn't listen when I told him repetitively to be quiet. 

I helped him sit on his bed and sighed happily. I had overly underestimated the weight of this boy.. Helping him upstairs had made my shoulder a little sore. I rubbed it a little. ''Now, it's bed time.'' 

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