Sixty-two: Ashton

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  Today is my last day on the tour. My mum agreed on a week and that week ends tomorrow but the flight land tomorrow in London. Timezone is complicated. I assistes to four concerts in total and one studio day. I love seeing Luke in his element, doing what he loves. It makes me happy knowing he's happy. Cliché, I know.

"I have a surprise for you," informed Luke as I was finishing packing my stuff in my suitcase. We stayed mostly in the bus but things gets messy and everywhere easily. 

I raises a curious brow. "A surprise?" I repeated. 

He nodded and smirked. "Yes."

I looked up to see him sitting on the large couch, grey hoodie on with the hood on his head. A small case of facial hair was apreaing on his jaw, making him look a little older. 

''You got me something? Why? It's not even my birthday..'' 

''It's not for you only, Love. And it's not ready to be given yet. You'll get it soon enough.''

''Whay are you telling me this now? This is so mean Luke!''

He shrugged. ''Never said I was nice.'' 

I stood and glared at him. He ignored me and played inocent and when I passed next to him, about to look around the tour bus to see if I forgot something, he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me on the couch with him. I screeched in surprise, laughing at the mess of kisses I was recieving. 

''Stop,'' I stammered between giggles. 

He stoped and nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck. ''I'm gonna miss you so much,'' he said before attacking me with wild kisses, again. 

''Get a room, Hemmings!'' yelled on of the band members, throwing some clothing piece at Luke. The latter laughed and showed his middle finger to the other guy. 

Some things never change.

  There was no concert till tomorrow so it was a free day for everyone. We were in Boston and it was so hot outside. Luke and I went to the hotel's pool after I packed my stuff in the bus.I wasn't staying here but the staff doesn't have to know. If they ask, we can say I decided to leave or make up some other quick lies. 

We laid on the long chairs and tanning under the bright sun and played in the water. It's been a long time since I last went to the pool. Luke and I found huge floatie swans and decided to have a fight with colorful spagetti. The whole band decided to join after a moment and we had to make teams. 

Luke and I ended up in the water after Kyle - one of the staff guys - bumped into our floatie. We laughed and got back on it, now trying to hit Kyle as revenge. 

''Are you taking me to the airport tonight?'' I asked after we changed into dry clothes. Mine were packed so I put on my previous pants and a tee shirt of Luke's. Not that I mind wearing my boyfriend's clothes. The fits oddly on me but I love them. It's like he's with me when he's not. 

''Yeah. I am. I can drive now. Legally, I mean.''

''I think I'll take a cab. I want to get to the airport in one piece, Luke.''

''Hey! I'm good with a car, we won't crash.'' 

''Last time you drove a car, you ended up crashing into a tree,'' I pointed. 

He rolled his blue eyes at me. ''That was once and I was drunk and pissed off at my father - I still am but that's beside the point. I know how to drive and not crash the car now. I took lessons and practiced a few times with the guys. They even let me drive their cars!''

''A few times?'' I shook my head. ''Hell no, you're not driving me.'' 

Luke reached into his jeans pockets, pulling out a set of car keys, wiggling them in the air. ''Come on, let's go for a ride then?'' 

''You have a car?'' I asked, my eyes widening. 

How can he afford a car? I know he makes money off his music but enough to buy a car.. I don'think so. And how does he do on tour? Someone drive it to places for him while he's in the bus? That's absurd.

''It's not mine, it's Charles but he lets me borrow it whenever I want. He's the coolest manager. Let's go now.'' 

''My plane isn't till few hours, tired of me already?''

He shook his head as he held up my chin, pressing his lips on top of mine. ''Never,'' he promised, looking into my hazel eyes.

I don't know why I was so hesitant to go on a car ride with Luke. It's not like he'd crash us on purpose and he's actually a decent driver. We drove around in Boston, leaving the city to go in it's surroundings because it's less busy. It feels a lot like London - the trafic part, I mean. Having a car here isn't necessary. There's tons of busses and cabs are easy to hail, not like New York but still. 

We stopped at a random ice cream parlour along the road and sat down in the grass in the small meadow next to the ice cream parlour. I was reluctant to go there, not knowing if we were allowed but Luke brushed it off.

''And if we get caught, we say we didn't know. That's how you get out of trouble.'' 

I did as told and sat beside him, ice cream in hands. We ate our iced treat as the sun was slowly going down, meaning it was late evening and I had to go soon.

  When I got off the plane, I was greeted by my whole family. My mum and two siblings were waiting for me. I rushed into my mother's arms as soon as I saw her. ''I missed you, mum.'' 

She chuckled and embraced me back. ''Me too, Ashy.'' 

''Can we go home now? I'm tired.'' She nodded and we all exited the airport, my suitcase trailing behind. 

After taking a taxi to the shelter house, we went to our apartement. A brown envelope was sitting on the doorstep, our name written on it. I picked it up. ''What's this?'' I asked.

Mum shrugged. ''I have no idea. It wasn't there when we left. I collected the mail this morning.''

I didn't wait for mum to open the door that I tored apart the envelope, repealing a letter. I cleared my troath and read it out loud since it was adressed to the whole family.

Hello Irwin family! 

You're probably wondering what is this, thinking the letter will explain everything. Wrong! I'm keeping this a mistery. How evil... I had the best time with you all and you are a truer family than mine ever has been. And to thank you for having me with you, I decided to hand you a little gift I'm sure will make some of you simle. Here's the key to your happiness!

xx Luke

p.s. I miss you Ash <3

A small object fell from the emvelope: a key

What is this key for?

A/N I'm ashamed to say this but I can't wait to end this book. Only a few chapters to go, yay! I barely gets any comments anymore and my ideas are lacking. Thank God I had it all planned (the ending, that it).

Thoughts on this chapter? Lashton being apart again?

What is this key for? Any idea?

p.s. I know I've used this gif a lot in my books but whatever, Luke's too cute <3

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