Chapter fourty-two: Ashton

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''Wake up, Ashy,'' called my mother, knocking lightly on my wooden door.

''Don't wanna,'' I mumbled, screwing my eyes shut tightly. 

''It's Monday, you have school.'' 

I sighed and sat up. ''I'm coming in ten minutes.'' 

She nod and went back to the kitchen, probably preparing me a little breakfast while I get dressed. I switched my pajamas for a pair of jeans and a plain white tee shirt with a large black hoodie over it. I didn't bother taming my hair so I put on a grey beanie to hide the curly, probably knotty mess. I then grabbed my bags full of my school textbooks and joined my mum in the kitchen.

''Are you gonna visit Luke after school today?'' she asked over breakfast.

I raised my shoulders. ''I don't know..'' I trailed off.

A frown made it's way to her face followed by confusion. ''Why not? I thought you and Luke were great friends.'' 

Great friends.

I wish we were more but I don't think I could handle his nasty habit of constantly lying to people. I thought we were both being honest with each other and didn't need to hide anything but I guess I was wrong. I trust Luke with my life but it doesn't seen like it reciprocal. 

''I don't want to get into too much details but let's say he and I had a little disagreement.'' 

She eyed me suspiciously from the corner of her eye, humming to herself. ''Oh. What was it about?'' she asked as I bite on my buttered toast. 

''Can we not talk about it, please? It's between Luke and I. I'd like it to stay this way.'' 

I usually share everything with my mother. She is a great listener and gives amazing advice but this problem also involve Luke. I doubt he'd want me to share our problems with my mother. He has nothing against her but he doesn't know her for very long. I'm sure he'd be angry if I ever told my mother about what our argument was about.  

I would have to talk about the blonde's first accident he got at his mother's funerals after arguing with his father over his mother's death cause. This is very personal. Luke opened up to me because he knew he could trust me and that his secrets would stay secrets. Telling my mum would be betrayal. And I would never do that to him even if I'm mad at the blue eyed boy. 

''Of course. Now finish your breakfast and get to school or you'll be late,'' she warned, pointing at the clock on the wall. 

  Going to school without the tall blonde by my side felt weird. I'm so used to having him with me everyday that I feel uncomfortable - mostly vulnerable - walking on my own. When Luke is there, no one dare hitting on me and bully me. Now that I'm alone, I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little scared.. 

And I was right ti be scared because during lunch, Adam took the opportunity to pull me into a corner, pressing me against a wall so I couldn't escape - he always do that - and be the usual dick he is. 

''I see that you are alone today, little faggot. Did your little friend went back to his country because he didn't want to catch your gay sickness?'' he asked, laughing at his own joke. 

I shook my head. ''Luke is still in London.'' 

''Did he got tired of acting like your bodyguard everyday? It must be tiring of protecting the little faggot twenty-four seven.'' Adam paused, thinking about his next phrase. ''Or maybe your mother had to sell him to pay the rent?'' he said, a wicked smile on his lips. 

I paled at his words. ''H-how do you know about my family's financial troubles?'' I asked. 

He smirked. ''My father is your mother's banker. I have access to all of his files.'' 

''Yoou can't read these files. That's illegall.'' 

He shrugged. ''Whatever. You can say all you want, I still have the information you don,t have. I know exactly how to make you and your family crumble even more. Trust me, Irwin, I will do everything to make your life a living hell.''

After that, he left like nothing happened. 

  After school, I took the bus and went straight home. I had a really bad day at school and all I wanted was to go to bed and sleep. Maybe eat some cookies or something but mostly sleep. My English teacher was mean to me and the whole class laughed when I gave the wrong answer to a question - I wasn't paying attention and thought we were at number four but we were at number three. I also tripped in gym class because someone stuck his foot out while we were running. Now my knees are aching - don't thing anything dirty there - from the fall.

''Had a great day at school Ashy?'' asked my mum when I opened the apartment door.

I stayed silent and went straight to my room, ignoring her calls. I stripped down, putting my turtle ninja pajama on and climbed under the covers for an early night, completely skipping dinner and forgetting about homework. 

  The next day, school was the same as the day before. People laughing at me and Adam picking on me. School makes me want to die. Going there only cause me pain. Both physical and psychological pain. Being bullied by Adam is one thing but when other people you thought were your friends - more classmate acquaintance - start to call you name or laugh at you, that hurts. 

Like this one girl in my history class. I thought she was nice with me and that we could have a great friendship but that was till I heard her saying to her desk neighbour that 'my gayness was grossing her out'. This must've come from Adam. He's the one who started to bully me for being gay. 

That night, I did the same thing when I came back from school: I went straight to bed. 

''Mum wants you to come and eat with us,'' said my little brother, Harry, sitting on the edge of my bed. 

I groaned, pushing my face deeper in my pillow. ''I'm not hungry, Harry.'' 

''But she said you have to eat, Ash,'' he added, probably repeating our mother's words.

''I'm not feeling well right now. Please be a good boy and leave. Let me sleep.'' He got up, looking down but left the room, closing the door behind himself. 

I feel bad for telling my brother, he must've felt rejected but I am not in the mood to be with people right now. I have too much things in mind. First there's this small argument with Luke but also Adam's words keep echoing in my head. 

I wish I could tell someone about Adam threatening me and my family but I have no one to talk to. I can't tell any of my family because it involve them and also because my mum would be devastated and my siblings are too young to understand. I would tell Luke but we are not talking for the moment..

  Hours passed as I was thinking about everything, trying to find ways to resolve my numerous problems. After a moment, I got up, having enough of moping in my bed and put on some 'decent' clothes. My contacts were off so I put on my glasses and headed out of the apartment. 

I knocked on the door, waiting for a voice to tell me to come in. I slowly pushed open the door. ''Hey..'' I said, entering in the familiar room.

A/N it's very short - and not my best chapter - but I think that's what you deserve. The last chapter was longer than usual and took a long time to write but I got shitty feedback - or should I say almost none feedback. I was very disappointed and doubting myself if I did a great job or not.  Do you think Adam will do something to Ashton and his family? Where did Ashton go?

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