Chapter thirty-seven: Luke

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''We're gonna be late,'' repeated Ashton for the tenth time this morning. ''You have to get up.'' 

''No. 'M sleepy. Wanna sleep some more,'' I groaned, hiding my face in the pillow, turning away from the light that was coming from the , now open, blind. 

''You'll do that tonight. You're just a little jet-lagged. We have to get to school. You've already skipped breakfast, you have to get up, Luke,'' he insisted, shaking me awake, making me groan in protests. ''No, no, no,'' he chanted as I pulled him down on the bed, wrapping both my arms and legs around his smaller frame, taking him by surprise and making him prisoner. ''Let me go,'' he asked, trying to escape my grip but I held him tighter. 

''No. Let me cuddle you some more.'' I hummed, pressing my face in the boy's curly, soft hair. 

''We don't have time for morning cuddle.''

''Didn't you said that when we don't have time, we make some,'' I told him, taking his words he once told me.

He groaned, kicking his arms and legs. ''Don't use my words against me, asshole.'' 

I laughed at his attempts of escaping and weak insults. ''Isn't that my flannel?'' I asked Ashton, seeing the grey and black checked fabric wrapped around his waist.

''No.. I-I have a similar one,'' he tried.

I shook my head, laughing at his bad lie. ''I know it's mine, don't bother lying to me, that's useless.'' I paused, ''Plus, I like it  when you wear my clothes.''

''Why? To make sure no one stole me from you?'' he asked, surprising me with his question.

''Not at all. I just like it.''

He snickered. ''You're just possessive.'' 

''Whatever, Mr I-Steal-Luke's-Clothes-To-Sniff-Them-All-The-Time.'' I smirked, knowing he won't find this funny. 

''H-how do you know I do that?'' he asked, embarrassed.

''I saw you in my room the other day. You were in my tee shirt drawer.''

He blushed, hidding his face in my bare chest. ''Why were you spying on me? You psycho!'' 

''Said the one who was sniffing my clothes..'' 

He groaned. ''I hate you.'' 

I rolled my eyes, knowing he doesn't mean what he just said and that just because he doesn't like to lose when we have those small teasing fights. I pressed my lips to his forehead and temple, humming as I did. He closed his eyes, enjoying the tender touch of my lips on his skin. 

''I like this.'' 

''What?'' I asked, pressing my cheek on the top of his head.

''This.'' He paused, looking up at me and letting himself enjoy being in wrapped in my embrace. ''Us being lazy and carefree together. It's nice.''

''It is,'' I agreed. ''But now shush little Ash and let me go back to sleep,'' I mumbled, closing my eyes.

''You're not!'' he screeched. ''We have to get to school or we'll be late for our first class,'' he repeated. In moment like this, I wanted to punch his pretty face so he'd shut dirty little mouth up. But I also like hearing his voice. Just not when he's talking about school or waking me up. I despise that.


  Thirty minutes later, Ashton and I were running trough the busy streets of London, trying to make it in time for our first class. It was too late to take the bus and we couldn't take the next one since it passed at nine and class starts at a quarter to nine. I hate walking - and running I walked to school too at home but it was not this far and I also used my skateboard which made the journey a little shorter. Here, the busy streets doesn't allow you to use it. It would make too much accidents. 

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