Chapter sixty-three: Luke

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  Today's the big day. I know I said that when my EP got released but this time, it's even bigger. It's not a mere EP but my first album I'm relasing. That's insane. 

I wanted to give Ashton an advanced copy but he refused, saying he wanted to go in store and buy the album himself. He's heard all the songs before the release but he insisted on buying one, saying he's proud of me and wants to encourage me. 

To promote my first album, Charles organized a signing at a mall. I'm really excited to get there, I love meeting my fans and give them hugs or take goofy selfies. They're very suportive and we always have fun together. 

''You ready for the signing?'' asked Charles, knocking on my door. 

''Yeah, I just need to get some socks and find my second shoe.'' 

Charles shook his head in the doorway. I'm a teenager. Teenagers are all messy. Most of it, at least.

I insisted on driving to the mall and regretted my decision as soon as we entered the parking lot. It was packed with cars (obviously) and fans waiting outside with carboard posters and other stuff. Madness. I have to drive past them to get to my parking and I hope they won't notice me because I wouldn't want to hurt anyone with my cars. I'm a good driver but seeing tons of fans around the car makes me nervous. 

I put my shades higher on my nose, hoping they'll do the job. I'd add my hood but it'll mess up my hair. I spent half an hour getting it like this, I don't want to ruin all my hard work. I don't have a hairdresser at my disposition everyday. Not that I need any. 

''You need to turn on the next parking,'' informed Charles. ''Security is waiting there to help you in. There's some more inside to keep you safe and prevent anyone from going to the hospital,'' he joked.

I rolled my eyes. ''My fans are not that bad. Sure, things gets a little crazy sometimes but I've seen hardcore fans before, mine aren't.''

''What about that one girl that almost got into the tour bus? She was hidding in the bathroom.'' 

I laughed. I remember that one. She sneaked in the bus during the show and hide in the bathroom. She said she wanted to surprise me and get married. That was a little creepy. 

''That was one time.'' 

''And the one who tried hiding a gps in your jacket to know everywhere you go.'' 

''Don't remind me of that one. I was so scared I threw away the jacket. It was one of my favourite! Sad times..'' 

I managed to park the car and security rushed me inside. It was a little rude but I understand that fans were rushing to us. I hate being pulled away from them but it's for a signing, they'll see me there eventually. 

Before the signing, there was a small session where I'll be answering fan questions. I did a lot of press to promote the album but never a fan Q&A. I had planned going on twitter or do a livestream to asnwer their questions but never found time to. That's why Charles planned a signing.

A small stage was build for the questions so everyone could see me. 

''Hi, my name's Lisa and my question is: What's you favouirte song on the album?'' 

''First, hello Lisa, nice to meet you.'' I waved at the brunette girl and she screeched. ''I think my favourite song is Close as Strangers. I remember writing this song and how I felt like my boyfriend and I were drifting. Us, songwriters, we - mostly - write about our life and our feelings which makes our albums a type of musical mini diaries. Back to the question, I love this song because that's when I realised that if I don't do anything, I might lose the most precious thing in my life. And I didn't want that to happed. Thankfully, we're okay now. It's a reminder that you need to take care of the things you have or you'll lose them.'' I took a loud breath. ''Wow, that was a long answer for a small question.'' 

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