Chapter fifty-six: Ashton

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  School has became tougher as days passed. The number of bullies grew and hurtful words started to pile on. It wasn't only Adams and his friends anymore but I know he probably lead them on. The latter's gay bashing grew old after a while and doesn't bothered me as much anymore.

What hurts me the most is when people I didn't know or never talked to started calling me names without reasons. Both boys and girls - mostly boys - makes fun of me for liking guys. Why doesn't they make fun of hetero couples of persons? Why is it so wrong to love the same gender? Love is love, it shouldn't matter.

Also, it's my business if I prefer having something up the arse, not theirs.

Today has been a rough day and we're only at lunch.. 

When I opened my locker this morning, a sheet fell on the ground. I crouched down to pick it up. It was a picture of me and some other guy in a compromising position. It was oblivious it was tricked and someone photoshopped it but it still hurts. I crumpled the sheet and shoved in in my locker, not wanting anyone to see this. If a teacher sees it, I'm screwed and not in a pleasant way. 

After the tricked picture had appeared in my locker, it also made an appearance in my phone during the first ten minutes of our lunch break. An unknown number - which I suspect being Adam - send this same picture to me, saying they'd post this online so everyone can rinse their eyes  - or satisfy their dirty minds.

At first, I didn't think too much of it because it's a fake picture but if this picture goes online, it can do lots of damage on my future. I swallowed thickly, pushing my food away and ran to the nearest bathroom.

I was sitting on the toilet seat - well, my feet were touching the seat, I would never sit directly on this, it's too gross - I hide my face in my hands, once again wishing for the tall blonde to be there. I shouldn't be relying on him so much but he's the only thing who makes me genuinely happy. 

Right now, I could really use a Luke hug... 

  The rest of the day wasn't any better. Same old shit but a different day. I put my bag on the floor and took off my shoes after closing the door. I was met by my mother, sitting in the living room area with some paperwork on her lap. 

She smiled at me, looking up from her papers. ''How was your day, Ashy?''

''Fine,'' I simply replied, not wanting to tell her how it really went. She'd probably call my principal and the bullying would only become worse. I don't want to get her into this either. Things could go down very easily if she knew who was my worst bully's father. 

She frowned but didn't say anything about it as I went to my room and let myself fall down on my bed like I did for the past couple days. It became a routine now. And my abnormal behavior also made my mum a little worried.

And we know it's never simple, never easy. Never a clean break, no one here to save me. You're the only thing I know like the back of my hand. And I can't breathe without you. But I have to..

''Prom is coming soon, Ashy. Aren't you excited?'' asked my mum over breakfast.

''I don't think I'm gonna go to prom again this year..'' 

A frown spread on her forehead. ''Why not? It's not like you're gonna be alone, you have Luke now. Didn't he said he'd be back next week?'' 

I shook my head. ''Plans changed,'' I replied, taking a bite of my toast. 

She hummed. ''What do you mean?'' 

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