Chapter 8: Surprise proposal

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When Sophie and Keefe got back to Townsville they were surprised to see that Grady wasn't waiting for Sophie at the ferry port. Since they lived in a little suburb on the other end of Townsville called Rowes Bay they decided to catch the bus there. Once they got there Sophie was surprised to see Grady waiting for her. She told Keefe to stay on the bus until she and Grady were gone. Of course, Keefe being Keefe didn't listen claiming that he wanted to protect her from Grady. She assumed Grady would be incredibly mad when he saw that Keefe was with her. Sophie quickly came up with a lie to save them both from being murdered by Grady.

"Keefe hasn't been with me. I was just on the bus home and since Keefe lives near here and he had just gone out with some other friends he just happened to get on the same bus that I was on, saw me and came to sit with me. I was with Biana until we got back. She lives in Garbutt so she caught a different bus but I was with her until that." Sophie was surprised that it had actually worked.

"I know. Biana told me. I was actually here to tell you that I have to go back to Orange next week. The vet is very busy and Edaline can't look after all the animals on her own." Grady was actually surprisingly calm about Keefe being there. And how had Biana known that she would need protection from Grady? Sophie was forced back to the conversation when Grady said that he had to go to a Skype meeting with some of their clients at the vet he and Edaline owned.

"See you tomorrow Sophie," Grady said then realising that Keefe was still there added, "Look after her when I leave next week won't you?" Grady was surprisingly trusting of Keefe now.

"Of course sir," Keefe said half teasingly half seriously. Grady nodded and walked back into Tasman Holiday Park where he had been staying in a cabin for a few weeks. He hated the place because the toilets were a public block separate from the cabins but he wanted to give Sophie some time to herself to settle into her house that she was renting. She was forever grateful and since Keefe's house was in the same direction she could sneak him into her house without Grady being suspicious. Which is exactly what she did.

Once they were there they decided to get some lunch from Tobin's Fish Tales which was their favourite fish and chip shop. Since it was close enough to walk to and Sophie wanted some time with Keefe they decided to walk down to the beach which was connected to the Strand. It was the easiest - not especially the quickest but the easiest - way to get to Tobins by walking since it was only three blocks behind the beach. Halfway along the walk, Keefe stopped and since they were holding hands that meant Sophie stopped and spun around to find Keefe on one knee holding an open ring box with the prettiest ring she had ever seen in it. She was suddenly hit with a huge wave of happiness mixed with extreme fear.

"Sophie Elizabeth Foster, will you be my girlfriend?" Keefe asked with an expression of pure hope.

I know I know. I said I hate these. And I do. But there are just a few things that need to be said.

1. Did I make you think Keefe was going to propose?

2. Rowes Bay is a suburb of Townsville that is right on the beach

3. Rowes Bay caravan park is across the road from the beach

4. The Strand is the main beach in Townsville

5. Orange is a little city in New South Wales

6. I made Grady and Edaline the owners of Mulberry Lane Veterinary Hospital in Orange

7. Garbutt is another suburb of Townsville

8. Tobins Fish Tales is the best fish and chip shop in the world

9. Sophie has already learned so much about Townsville and Maggie Island because she has a photographic memory

10. The only reason I set them in Townsville, not Brisbane or Melbourne or Sydney or Canberra (if you don't know what Canberra is then I'm sorry but you're an idiot) or some other capital city in Australia is because I don't know them very well and I wanted to make it somewhere that I can describe well without spending more time searching then writing and also so I can say things like it is a great fish and chip shop from personal experience and actually know that it is

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