Chapter 43: Edaline's Arrival

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Edaline arrived the next day. Sophie had offered for her to stay in the spare room in her house but Edaline had refused it saying she would rather give Sophie her space and stay in the caravan park with a wink and a goofy smile.

"I don't want to invade your space," was what Edaline had said every single time Sophie had offered.

"It's not invading my space if I'm offering," Sophie kept arguing half hoping Edaline would change her thoughts to 'I would rather stay in the caravan park because I find the bed in your guest room incredibly uncomfortable' but Sophie knew that wouldn't happen since the beds in the caravan park were practically made of bricks.

"Fine, you can stay in the caravan park. But if you want to move to the spare room you can." Sophie gave up. Edaline was only staying for the two weeks of school holiday so it wasn't like it was a crazy amount of time.

"Thank you Sophie for your permission to stay wherever I want." Edaline was always very joking and sarcastic so she said this with a smile on her face and started laughing right after. "I'm a little jet-lagged so I might go and have a nap."

"Are we still going to Maggie for fish and chips later?" Sophie asked.

"Definitely. You know it's been too long since we've come up here." Sophie often came up to North Queensland with Grady and Edaline but they had gotten really busy in the past year so they hadn't had a chance to come up all as a family.

"Great. See you later then." Sophie went back to her house where Keefe had been waiting for her. She hadn't let him come to the airport with her so that she could save the embarrassment with Edaline until later.

"Hey Foster! You're back already! How'd it go?" Keefe asked the second she opened the front door.

"Really good actually! But I think that means she's saving the embarrassment for later so we need to change the plan."


"You are going to go half an hour earlier than we planned. You will hang out at the Rock Wallabies until six and then walk to the park at Alma Bay and just spot us out of the corner of your eye and come and say hello. Knowing Edaline she will basically force you to eat with us but you will need to have a bit of fight. Just say 'oh no I couldn't. You haven't seen Foster in months' or something like that. Edaline won't care and she will force you to join us and it will be amazing." Sophie explained her plan for minimal embarrassment. She just hoped it worked.

So only 7 chapters left!!! No matter how much I don't like writing this anymore I'm still going to make these last 7 chapters as good as I can and I really hope you like them!

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