Chapter 45: Edaline's Approval

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When Sophie got back to Alma Bay she saw that Keefe was talking to Edaline. It seemed like he was enjoying it. Sophie smiled and decided not to interrupt. She sat down on a log and watched the sun go down. When they finally stopped talking she decided it was time to go back. She stood up and walked over to them. Sophie saw that Keefe was smirking and Edaline had her goofy grin on.

"Hey, Sophie! What took so long?" Edaline asked when she saw Sophie.

"Oh, nothing. I just saw you two talking and decided not to interrupt. What were you talking about?"

"Just the Mysterious Miss F," Keefe replied with his usual smirk.

"And what were you saying about me?" Sophie asked.

"We were just talking about how you two are dating and you're such an adorable couple," Edaline said making Sophie turn tomato red. They spent the next hour just talking and watching the waves while eating their fish and chips.

"I should probably head back now before I miss the last ferry but you two should stay here and have a night to yourselves," Edaline said. She started to walk away before adding, "I'll try to convince Grady to approve of your relationship. Even if he doesn't don't let that get in the way of your happiness," and with that, she walked off.

"So Edaline approves of us huh?" Keefe said.

"Apparently so," Sophie said before giving Keefe a quick kiss, snuggling into him and watching the sky. "Keefe?"

"Hmm?" Keefe sounded relaxed. Sophie felt bad about breaking his relaxation with her question but she needed to know his answer.

"Wha-what will you do if Grady doesn't approve?" She was terrified his answer would be something like break up with you and never talk to you again.

"Seriously? That's what you wanted to ask me?" Sophie twisted around and propped herself up on her arm so she could watch Keefe's reaction. It was both happy and sad. Happy because it seemed like he wasn't going to say anything like break up with you but sad because she now felt a bit stupid for ever doubting him.

"Yeah...?" Was all Sophie said.

"No one could make me break up with you other than you Sophie. I love you so so much," his answer made her feel so much better than she ever could have imagined.

"I love you too Keefe."

I am so sorry it took me two weeks to update but at least the break helped me get out of writers block! I will try and get back to my daily updating schedule now that I can type properly again but I might not be able to because I'm going to be pretty busy for the next two weeks and I definitely won't be updating in 6 days because that is my birthday (unless I pre-publish the chapter or I am finished by then since there are only 5 more chapters) 

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