Chapter 26: Sunset Revelations

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Once Sophie and Keefe got to Alma Bay the sun had already started to go down. Sophie set up her camera as quickly as she could. She put it in the exact right spot to get the same view Keefe had drawn, set the settings on the camera and told Keefe where to stand. They had already wet their hair so it looked like they had been swimming like in the drawing. Sophie set the camera to video so she could pick a frame for the best photo and she told Keefe she was going to delete the rest of the video but that was never going to happen, she just didn't want Keefe to feel weird about kissing on camera. When the sunset was at the right point Sophie started the video, ran over to Keefe, stood in the set spot and kissed him. She didn't plan on pulling away at least until the sun was fully set, unless, of course, Keefe seemed uncomfortable. He didn't though, she was glad for that because she wanted to kiss him for the rest of time. It was indeed Keefe that pulled away, but only after about twenty minutes. She was actually slightly relieved, she did still want to be kissing him but she had completely run out of breath and it seemed like he was too. She went to turn off the camera and pack it up. While she was over with their stuff she grabbed the bags she picked them both up and took them over to where she and Keefe were.

"Hey Keefe? Do you mind showing me more of your diary?" Sophie asked. She really hoped he would because it was some of the best writing she had ever read. It was also nice to know his real thoughts about her. Of course, if he said no she would very happily accept that. She understood that it was private and that he probably wouldn't want her seeing much.

"Of course not! You can see anything you want! What do you want to see?" Sophie was very surprised with Keefe's answer but she was also very happy.

"Maybe the day you confessed? But only if you want!"

"That was going to be the next page I show you anyway. Here." He handed her the diary open to the page she had asked for.

Dear future me,

Foster took me to Maggie today as a surprise. She had some evil plan. She blindfolded me and noise cancelling headphones over my ears. The only thing she told me was to wear swimmers. Specifically she took me to our favourite spot - Alma Bay - and when we got there she took the headphones off but left the blindfold on and dropped me in the water. When I managed to get the blindfold off, I turned around to see where we were and she was standing there looking SO beautiful and even though I had promised myself I would confess to her today I tried not to say anything but I couldn't stop myself from kissing her on the lips and saying "I love you, Sophie. I understand if you don't feel the same way but I need you to know that" but she did the thing I had only let myself dream about but never let myself think it would actually happen. She told me she loves me back. Of course she might have been lying to make me happy. I didn't care though. I was the happiest I have ever been. After that she started trying to ruffle The Hair and I stopped her but I wish I hadn't because all I ended up doing was making myself wait longer before she kissed me again and I ended up just embarrassing myself and saying "Fine. You can ruffle The Hair. Just kiss me again." By the way she had no hesitation before kissing me again other than laughing at my words I could tell she wasn't lying to me. We got into a splash war that lasted for hours and I know that with anyone else I would say that of course I won but Foster is a master at splash wars and she somehow won. By the time we had finished the splash war it was really dark and I was nearly certain we would have missed the last ferry. When Foster checked the time she got so adorably panicked that Grady would kill her and that told me that we had indeed missed the last ferry and I tried not to seem to excited when I told her to say that I had gone home earlier and that she had decided to stay later. I also told her to say she would be on the first ferry home tomorrow though I really hoped she wouldn't be. We stayed in Arcadia Village for the night. I offered to stay in two separate rooms desperately hoping she would say we could stay in the same room but not wanting to pu ANY pressure on her. Luckily for me she did and I said are you sure and she was so I agreed. When she was seconds away from sleep she said "I love you Keefe." Best end to the best day

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