Chapter 19: Morning Panic

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When Sophie woke up she was crashed by a huge wave of panic. She and Keefe must have fallen asleep on the beach because her back was itchy. That was when she realised the reason for her panic. The first and slightly worse reason was that she had a feeling someone probably stole her phone so she moved her hand around to find it. Luckily she did. The second being that she had just said yes to being with Keefe forever. FOREVER. She was just sixteen. SIXTEEN and with Keefe FOREVER! That was when Keefe woke up. She knew she should probably let him wake up a little more or at least say good morning first but she couldn't help it.

"What did you mean by that question last night?"

"Good morning to you Foster." Keefe teased before adding, "Don't worry, we're not engaged." She opened her mouth to ask how he knew what she had been worried about but he interrupted her. "I knew your anxiety would take over and tell you that you just said yes to marrying me but I promise you, you didn't. We're too young. I just meant will you be my girlfriend forever? I will go as slow as you want. Do I want to marry you right here right now? As long as you do, most certainly. Do I hope we do get married one day? Yes, and I will until people are immortal. Do I want to be kissing you every second I am with you? More than anything. Am I ever going to pressure you in any way to go faster than you want? Never in a million years no way nuh uh never going to happen." That made Sophie feel a lot better.

"Okay. My turn. Do I want to marry you here right here right now? I honestly don't know. Do I hope we get married one day? Yes! Definitely! I would love that more than even I know! Do I want to be kissing you every second I am with you? Pretty much. I definitely do right now. Am I ever going to pressure you to go faster than you want? Never in a million years no way nuh uh never going to happen. I love you Keefe Sencen. More than you know. Yes, my brain got overtaken by anxiety from your question but that completely vanished the moment you started talking. You used a lot more words than you needed to. Even if we had gotten engaged last night, I don't think I would have minded. I'm not saying I want to be engaged now but still. Somehow you managed to calm me by opening your mouth. It usually takes ages to settle me. Never-ending reassurance massages ice cream TV time. You did the equivalent of that in less than a second."

"Really?" Keefe sounded like he couldn't say more than that so Sophie did the only thing she knew would work. She kissed him with all the love in the world and he returned it with even more. "You know you're the best kisser in the world right?"

"I can't be. That name is already taken by someone else. And that person just so happens to be just centimetres away from me." Sophie told him before kissing him again.

"No, it's definitely you," Keefe told her. She didn't bother fighting him, instead shaking her head at him and dragging him along the beach, "Come on, let's get breakfast so we have an excuse for disappearing."

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