Chapter 4: Waterside Revelations

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"I love you too." Sophie shocked herself with her words and Keefe seemed even more surprised than she was.

"I-you-what-" was all he managed to say and she kissed him again. This was more than it had been before. When he had kissed her she didn't have a chance to even properly realise what he was doing before he pulled away. This kiss was longer and a lot better. She made sure he had time to realise what was happening and do whatever wanted. She made sure not to use her hands to hold him in any way. Suddenly he grabbed her waist and pulled her in closer. She reached up to run her hands through his hair but that was when he pulled away.

"Agh! Not The Hair!" Keefe yelled.

"The Hair?" Sophie had known he loved his hair but she didn't know he loved it that much.

"Yes Foster, The Hair. And no touching it until I say."

"How are you going to go swimming if The Hair can't get ruined?" Sophie asked sincerely.

"Easily. I will let The Hair get ruined by the water," Keefe answered.

"Well, why can't I ruffle it if you're going to go swimming?"

"Fine. You win. Just kiss me again. You can ruffle The Hair." Sophie was honestly surprised she had managed to get that much of a compromise. Plus she got to kiss Keefe again so she kissed him and started ruffling his hair as much as she could.

"Your hair is amazing," she whispered when they finally pulled apart. Somehow ruffling his hair had made him look even better which she did not think was possible and it did not make it easy to stop kissing him but she swam away from him and when he started looking for her she took her chance and jumped on his back knocking him into the water.

"You just can't keep your hands off me can you Foster?"

"Well you do make it quite hard," Sophie said. Keefe splashed her and she splashed him. That turned into a whole splash war. They spent the whole day just swimming and having fun on the island. They were having fish and chips on the other side of the island when they realised they had missed the last ferry back home.

"Oh no! Grady's going to kill me!" Sophie yelled when she checked the time.

"It'll be okay. Just call him and say that you will be home on the first ferry tomorrow. Also, tell him I went home earlier and that you decided to stay later so he doesn't kill me." Keefe replied. Grady, Sophie's adoptive father was extremely overprotective and he especially didn't trust Keefe. Said his parents had some sort of bad history.

"Okay. I will call him right now. Stay here. I will be back in a few minutes."

"I will wait for the rest of time," Keefe teased. Sophie walked off and could think of nothing but that she would be sharing a room with Keefe that night. She had decided that they should share a room so they could save some money. Or at least that was the reason she had told him. The real reason was she wanted to make some memories with one of her favourite people in her favourite hotel.

Sorry for this. I hate seeing author notes at the bottom but I just had to say this. I have always been a terrible writer but I have just written four chapters in two days. In secret. If you think some of the words are spelt wrong and you are American and possibly Canadian (I don't know how Canadians spell things) It is probably just the Australian version of the correct spelling but put the correction in the comments if you think it is wrong and I will tell you whether it is actually wrong or just Australian. And this will probably be my longest chapter but we will see

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