Chapter 23: Diary Confessions

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Keefe had just shown her a page of his diary. His diary! It was the most amazing thing she had ever read. And on the page next to what he had written was an even more beautiful drawing. Sophie had never known Keefe was such an amazing drawer. The drawing looked like a picture. The only way she knew it wasn't was because it was the same paper as the diary.

"Sophie?" That was the first time he had called her by her first name. Sure, he had used her whole name but never her first name on its own. He also sounded really worried but she was still speechless so she told him what his diary entry had meant to her in another, wordless, way, hoping it would bring her words back. It did.

"When did this happen?" Sophie asked pointing at the drawing. It was of her and Keefe at Alma Bay at sunset. Or maybe it was sunrise, she couldn't tell. They were both standing, arms wrapped around each other, kissing but also looking at the horizon. It was so accurate of the beach that she couldn't believe it wasn't a photo, rocks framing them, high tide with the water up to their ankles, perfectly drawn waves, both of their blonde hair catching the six o'clock sun turning it golden.

"It didn't," Keefe answered, snapping her out of her thoughts. "I let my mind imagine a scene to draw after every entry. They're all completely made up but completely realistic and always related to the entry. That one has nearly happened but it wasn't at sunset."

"Well, do you want to make it real?" Sophie asked him. He nodded so hard it must've hurt his neck. "Well, come on then! Let me just get a few things and we'll go. Put your swimmers on! Are you frozen?" Sophie asked Keefe. When he nodded a little she asked, "What will help you unfreeze?" His eyes drifted to her lips and she understood what he meant. She kissed him and when she pulled back he seemed to have unfrozen.

"Are you serious? You actually want to go to Maggie just to make something I imagined weeks ago come true?" He asked her. She just nodded.

"Now come on or I will put your swimmers on for you." She threatened but Keefe didn't seem too embarrassed by it. He agreed anyway.

"I love you so much Foster," He told her.

"Why? I mean, why would a cute, handsome, funny, kind and so many other good things like you, love me? I am so boring. I have brown eyes, the most common and boring colour, and you have bright ice blue eyes, the rarest most beautiful colour, I have terrible unhealthy hair that gets super matted super easily and you have beautiful hair that really deserves to be called The Hair and you're just so perfect and I'm just so boring." Sophie told him.

"Two things. One, Not a single word you said about yourself is true. You are not at all boring. Yes, brown eyes are boring on anyone else but yours have the most beautiful golden flecks in them making them different from anyone else's. Your hair, I can't say it's healthy because I don't know, but I can say, I have seen you every day for seven weeks and it hasn't been matted once. It's always beautiful and the way it catches the sun turns it golden which is so amazing and I wish mine did that! And again, you are the opposite of boring, I wish I could show you what you look like to me. And two, What you said about me is not at all true. My eyes aren't that interesting, nowhere near as interesting as yours. My hair is naturally super unhealthy. It takes me so many oils and conditioners and shampoos, one day I timed how long it takes me to do my hair. It was three hours. THREE HOURS A DAY! And my mum killed your whole family! And if anyone in this room is boring, it's me. How in the world do you even want to be friends with me, let alone in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship? I am so glad you do though because I love you more than anything." Keefe told her.

"I'm glad to because I also love you more than anything. And you can show me what you think I look like. You are an amazing drawer so grab your drawing stuff, I will grab my photography stuff and we will go to Maggie. Put your swimmers on too."

That was a long chapter!

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