Marry me, Juliet?

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Okay so I've been writing this on and off since SEPTEMBER so please enjoy!
Gina's POV
Ricky and I are twenty two years old now. He's been a pretty famous singer for the last five years when he got a record deal.

Tomorrow night I'm going to his concert, and I'm so excited. It's his last concert of a smaller tour. I've missed having him around, and though I've gotten to travel with him some and he visits, he's not with me very much.

I'm trying not to make him feel bad since this is the career we agreed upon and it's out of his control, but I miss him and I haven't been sleeping as well.

Ding Dong

"Special delivery for Gina Porter?" He says sheepishly.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have rehearsals, Baby?" I asked him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I got out early, and wanted to spend the night with you."

"I'd love that." I said. "I was actually getting ready to attempt to get some sleep."

"I'll join you- wait, what do you mean by attempt?"

"I- I haven't been sleeping well lately. Enough, that is."

"Why didn't you tell me? I could've helped."

"I didn't want to make you feel bad or responsible. I didn't want to add more to your plate."

"Baby, it's okay. You can tell me these things."

"I didn't want to burden you."

"You never burden me, you never will. There's a difference in being a burden and sharing what you're going through. I love you, Gina Porter."

"I love you too, Ricky Bowen."


"Alright, I'll see you later tonight. I've got to get to the auditorium, before it starts crowding. My publicist is saying there's already well over fifty people in line, and the show isn't for nine hours."

"Well, I'll see you later. You'll be great."

"I love you."

"I love you too, Ricky."

I had gotten better sleep than I had in a while, and now I was figuring out what I want to wear for the concert. While I was sad Ricky was leaving, I wanted to surprise him with a really great outfit.

I finally chose a pretty pink dress

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I finally chose a pretty pink dress. With small dotted flower like patterns on it and a bow and ribbon around the waist.

Something told me this was a great outfit for what seemed like an overly important night.

It was just a concert of Ricky's. While I was so, so proud of him, I'd been to dozens of these, and today felt even more special for some reason...

Ricky's POV
I thought something was going on with Gina. And not in a good way. So I did my best to cover up my nerves on what I'm doing tonight.

"All set on the plan, Richard?" Jet, who was now my manager, asked.

"Yeah. I think so." I shook my arms, trying to loosen the fear.

"Last minute jitters?"

"Something like that." I confirmed.

"You'll be fine. Gina loves you, and she's said she wants to spend the rest of her life with you."

"True. I just hope this is the way she wanted it. Maybe she wanted it less public. There'll be thousands here."

"She's in the industry too. Longer than you have been. She's used to it, Bowen."

"Hopefully soon calling me that will become more confusing. If you know what I mean?"

"I think I'm picking up what you're putting down, Rick."

Gina's POV
Finally at the concert, I stood in the front row, body guards in disguise on either side of me.

"New state of mind on the interstate, nobody taking my life away, I'm finally, finally free. Finally, finally me! Finally, finally, finally, finally..." Ricky finishes singing a song he wrote the summer we started dating.

"There's a super special girl here with me today. Gina, Sweetie? Could you get up here?"

My eyes widen. Sure, I've been on screen, but I haven't been on stage since high school ended. But I nod.


"Gina Porter. Everyone knows dating as celebrities is a hard task. But we're still people too, and we deserve to walk around the town and date like everyone else. To live. And no matter what other people wanted, we took things at our pace and communicated to make sure both of use got what we needed out of this. I love you...and I want to spend the rest of my life feeling the way I do right now when I look at you. I want to travel together, supporting each other's endeavors. I want the evenings where you reassure me that you don't want any of those guys you kiss in movies. I wish there was a phrase I could say that meant more than 'I love you', but I hope this makes up for it." He slides down onto a knee, opening a box.


"Will you marry me? Whenever you're ready, will you marry me, Gina?"

"Yes. Yes, Ricky, I'll marry you!"

HSMTMTS one shots {Rina, Madlyn, Seblos}Where stories live. Discover now