"Bubba, you've been sick for the last week."

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Ricky's POV
Gina has been throwing up every single day. She's been having crazy mood swings, has been more emotional than usual, and is just not herself.

It's barely seven in the morning, and she's already crouched over the toilet. She was sobbing, after being all happy and cuddly just minutes before. She was upbeat and ready for a good day, but now she just wants to sleep.

"Gina, are you sure you're okay?" She was done with the puke fest, now, and I'm carrying her back to our bedroom.

"Yes, Ricky, why are you so worried? It's an illness I'll get over, so, why?"

"Bubba, you've been sick for the past week, maybe we should start thinking about going to the hospital." I said nervously, worried she would have another unexpected swing of emotion.

"Ricky, I'm fine, it's just- ow!"

"Hey, hey. What's hurts?" I laid down beside her, taking her in a loose hug.

"My-" she sucked in a sharp breath of air, placing her hands on her stomach. "it hurts. So bad, Rick- ow."

She began squirming, but I kept her in place, putting my hand on her belly.

"Your belly hurts?" I asked her.

"Mhm." She nodded stiffly.

"Okay, okay. Gina, we've gotta go to the hospital. We need to this time."

"Okay- ow- fine, fine, we can go."

I hope she's okay. Gosh, she better be.


The doctor finally exited her hospital room with a clipboard in hand.

"Is she okay?"

"They are."


"Just go see her." He winked.


"Hi, Ricky." Gina smiles out of pure joy.

"What changed?" I smiled, seeing her looking free of pain.

"We became parents."

"Wait, what?"

"I'm happy, because I just found out I'm pregnant. And I know you're happy too, because we've been trying for a while, and it's failed, and- mmm." I stopped her with a kiss.

"I'm so happy."

Please send more requests. I'm begging you guys at this point :(

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