Good Relationships pt. 2 (Rina)

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This is the backstory of my fic "Good Relationships". It is mentioned that Gina has a not so great ex. This is the story of him and how it brought Rina together.

Ricky's POV
I was at the movie theater today. I just finally got out of a toxic relationship yesterday, and now I'm rewarding myself. I wasn't sad now, just relieved.

I stepped out of the theater as the movie finished, then noticing a girl who looked maybe a year or two younger than me with a guy who looked a bit older than both of us.

He wasn't holding her hand, I noticed. He was holding her wrist.


"I'm going to the bathroom. Don't move."

"O-okay." She said.

"Hey. Are you okay?" I started to ask her. But her boyfriend came back out.

"Stop talking to her! Gina, I need a break. Don't come home tonight. And stop talking to other guys!" He shoved her arm, trying to play it off as a just a joking gesture, but I knew he was hurting her.

"Ryan, wait! Oh." I clearly heard the girl's voice for the first time. "Sorry about him. He's just having a hard day. Uhh..I'm Gina."

"Ricky, and don't apologize." I stuck my hand out, but she flinched away immediately, before sighing and stepping back in for the handshake. "Does he...have a lot of hard days..?" I ask reluctantly.

"Yeah. He had anxiety and depression."

"Doesn't mean he should take it out on you..."

"I know, it's just- wait a second."

It's over. Don't both coming back here again. Find somewhere else to say, I don't want all your burdens and baggage- literally and metaphorically.

"He just- he just broke up with me, and kicked me out."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Listen, I would let you stay at my place for the night, but I'm sure that'd make you uncomfortable, so I'll do this. I'll pay for a hotel room for you for five days, and we can meet up, get to know each other. If by the end of the five days you feel comfortable, we'll I've been looking for a roommate."

"Thanks, Ricky, that'd- that'd be great."

"Of course, Gina."

Skip to two years later (back to part one)

"Crazy love story, huh."

"Yeah, but it happened."

"And I couldn't be more happy."

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