Chapter 6

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      The smile on Anru's face, which was originally full of pride and joy, thinking about how to use her son's strength to attack Liuxu's charming son, froze.

  She looked at Mu Lichen in disbelief: "You...what did you say?"

  Mu Lichen seemed to have ignored her question. What he wanted was the despair and pain of people like them. How could he protect him like he did in his previous life? With them?

  Mu Lichen crossed Anru, walked directly over to An Yang who had already packed up, and said, "Let's go!"

  After saying that, he was about to walk towards the window where Mu Lichen had just entered, but he didn't expect that it was already blocked by someone. .

  Mu Lichen looked at the people blocking the window, and the smile on his lips became colder.

  An Yang frowned and took a step forward, asking, "What are you doing?"

  Among those people, a middle-aged man was introduced as a representative. He was a business partner of the Mu family before the end of the world, and he is also a business partner now. stranger.

  The middle-aged man said: "No matter what, we are trapped here, or because we attended your Mu family's banquet, you can't just abandon us like this, right?" After listening to the middle-aged man's words, An Yang sneered: "At least you are still alive if you are trapped here. It is much better than those people who are eaten outside. Moreover, maybe the whole world will become like this now!" Everyone's expressions changed because of An Yang's last words.

  Mu Lichen didn't understand those people and was not as good-tempered as An Yang. He kicked the table next to him over there, knocking some people's heads and bleeding, and then hit the window glass with a big hole. , the glass shards that flew everywhere after being smashed also injured many people.

  Mu Lichen turned a blind eye to the misery of those people. He looked at a few people lying on the ground in front of the window in pain and uttered one word coldly from his lips: "Get out!" Those people were really injured

  . The damage was serious. They were hit by the table kicked by Mu Lichen, and they were covered in blood by the flying glass shards.

  But after they heard Mu Lichen's cold words, none of them dared to challenge his bottom line, and they really just rolled away from the glass shards.

  At this time, Mu Lichen was like an evil god, hard-hearted, seemed to have become synonymous with him in the eyes of those people.

  Anyang was also surprised by Mu Lichen's change: "Achen... you..."

  When Mu Lichen looked at Anyang, his expression softened slightly, and he chuckled softly: "Can't you stand this level? There are people out there who cannibalize people!"

  An Yang looked at the weird smile on Mu Lichen's lips and felt a little chill in his heart.

 People eat people...

  An Yang knew that Mu Lichen was referring to living people, not zombies that had become living dead.

  Human beings have begun to eat their own kind, so how chaotic has the world become?

  Deep down in his heart, Anyang still imagined that one day society would return to normal thanks to the efforts of the government. He took a deep breath in disbelief and said, "What's going on outside now?" Mu Lichen said calmly: "The government has collapsed

  . N City has been abandoned."

  This understatement made those who still imagined that the army would save them panic. Everyone no longer cared about whether it would offend Mu Lichen, and started talking about it.

  Mu Lichen took Grandpa Mu and was about to leave with An Yang. Anru suddenly rushed over and grabbed An Yang's clothes: "No! You can't leave us together! A Yang, you can't bear to leave your aunt and your brother behind." Are monsters eating us here?" Anru, who had always been strong, put down her body for the first time and looked at Anyang pleadingly.

  Anru was a little afraid of the ruthless Mu Lichen and did not dare to beg him, so she could only grab An Yang's clothes.

  After the betrayal Mu Lichen experienced in his previous life, he no longer had any unbearable feelings towards his relatives.

  And An Yang was chilled by their attitude towards Mu Lichen.

  Facing Anru's plea, An Yang looked at Mu Lichen.

  Mu Lichen suddenly felt better. The feeling that An Yang had the decision-making power in his hands made him feel good.

  So Mu Lichen, who was in a better mood, decided to let Anru Murong and others live a little longer.

  Mu Lichen said to Anru: "I can send you to the nearest base in Province H, but you will have nothing to do with us after you arrive at the base." Mu Lichen thinks that this method of killing is quite good

  . .

  He was really looking forward to the situation of the rich men, wives, young masters and ladies who he had protected along the way and had not tasted the cruelty of the apocalypse when they arrived at the base. He must sneak into the base to have a look.

  In the post-apocalyptic world, morals have declined, and the weak will prey on the strong. Even in a safe base, there will be a clear hierarchy.

  Before the peaceful apocalypse, there were class existences, let alone after the apocalypse!

  In the previous life, with the help of Mu Lichen, the Mu family had plenty of food, but they did not have enough strength to protect them, so they were often robbed of food by powerful people with powers.

  Life in the base was more difficult than outside. That kind of life that could be trampled upon by everyone drove the former masters almost crazy, and finally they chose to betray Mu Lichen in exchange for a leisurely life.

  They were protected so well by Mu Lichen that even in the end of the world, with a zombie emperor protecting them, their lives were much better than others struggling on the verge of death.

  When they entered the base, without Mu Lichen's escort, they were just ordinary people, of course they could only face the cruel reality.

 Facing reality does not mean they can accept it.

  For the sake of the so-called Master's identity and life, they completely ignored Mu Lichen's efforts for them and chose to sacrifice him in exchange for a safe life in the future.

  Even, they take it for granted that they are making a contribution to the entire human race!

  After being reborn, Mu Lichen saw clearly the ugly faces of his relatives and the mistakes he had made.

  People are all despicable. When someone gives too much to them unconditionally, they may feel touched at first, but as time goes by, they will only take it for granted.

  Mu Lichen didn't know if his relatives who had no safe way to obtain supplies after losing his protection in his previous life would regret selling him to the research institute. He only knew that making the mistake once was enough!

  So this time, Mu Lichen didn't plan to take the trouble to escort them to the base in city B, but instead sent them to the base in province H, which would be destroyed in a year.

  Moreover, he will protect them well this time, better than in the previous life!

  He wanted to see this group of ordinary people who didn't know the sufferings of the apocalypse arrive at the base and fall into a situation where they were tortured by others, in embarrassment, pain and despair!

  Just as desperate as he who had his limbs cut off and disemboweled as a guinea pig experiment in his previous life!

  How could he vent his hatred by letting these people die so directly?

  Life is worse than death is what he wants to see!

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