Chapter 48: Enemy! Inherited Lingbao

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 "Ah——" a sharp soprano attracted Mu Lichen who was washing Li Tianyun's elixir with water-based powers. He kicked aside Li Tianyun's body, whose head had been opened, and looked sideways at Yu Lei, who had just woken up.

 Because the colorful mutated butterflies had been sealed into the mirror, the surrounding vines withered at this time, and the illusory vines disappeared, revealing a wide and flat highway, and the sunlight also shone in.

 Under the sunlight, Yu Lei could clearly see Li Tianyun lying there like a dead dog with a big hole in his head, and the green bead that seemed to be taken out of Li Tianyun's head was being played with by Mu Lichen casually. With.

 Looking at Mu Lichen's long black nails and eyes as dark as the abyss, Yu Lei couldn't help but tremble, and she tried her best to shrink her body. It seems that shrinking your body is equivalent to shrinking your sense of existence.

 Seeing Mu Lichen's eerie black eyes staring straight at her, Yu Lei wanted to faint again. She deeply hated herself for not being able to hold back her scream just now!

 Mu Lichen walked slowly in front of her, smiled at her in a good mood, and then put the light green bead dug out of Li Tianyun's head into his mouth in front of her, like chewing chocolate candy It makes a snapping sound when chewed like beans.

 He smiled and said, "Don't you want these 'chocolate jelly beans'? Why do you have to ask me for one? You have one yourself." As he spoke, his right hand slowly touched her head. The hair is also well taken care of...

 I have one...

 I have one...

 I have one...

 Yu Lei, who was just vaguely suspicious and guessing but unwilling to believe it, finally couldn't help but feel sad in her heart. Frightened, she suddenly jumped up, screamed and cried loudly: "Ah - help -"

 Mu Lichen did not stop her escape, but got out of the way, looking at the almost collapsed Yu Lei with interest. Running around like headless flies.

 But no matter how much she ran, how could she escape Mu Lichen's control?

 Soon she was caught back by Mu Lichen who was tired of playing.

 Yu Lei felt the hand caressing the back of her head, trembling all over, and begged with tears streaming down her face: "Master Mu, can you let me go? I don't want to die, I can do anything you want me to do, can you let me go?" ?"

 Mu Lichen stretched out the nails on his right hand and slowly inserted them into the back of her head. With a gentle smile on his face, he said to her in a gentle tone: "It's not good, it's not good at all." She felt it.

 The pain on her head kept Yu Lei from dying for a while. She opened her eyes wide, and her eyeballs bulged out due to too much exertion. Her body instinctively spasmed and twitched due to pain, and she remained silent until Mu Lichen took out a light blue bead stained with red and white filth.

 Mu Lichen summoned a stream of water to rinse the light blue bead, and then put it into his satchel.

 I can't help it, I ate too much before and I'm not hungry now! ╮(╯▽╰)╭ After


 finished dealing with Yu Lei, Mu Lichen went to deal with Chu Min who was pretending to be stunned and waiting for an opportunity to escape, and harvested another light blue water elixir. .

 As for Yang Yao, who had been sucked up by the colorful mutant butterfly, Mu Lichen opened his head and was disappointed to find that the Yidan inside had no energy and became a piece of waste stone.

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