Chapter 67: All cannon fodder destroyed!

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 No matter how powerful you are, you will inevitably encounter difficulties and capsize in the gutter.

 Therefore, a first-class life-saving spiritual treasure like the Jade Pendant Space, even if it is just an ordinary spiritual treasure, is enough to make people fight for their lives.

 Although An Yang knew that after using the blood of his heart to refine the jade pendant, the space spirit treasure would not be taken away by others, others did not know.

 Once the jade pendant's space is exposed, he will be in big trouble, and he is afraid of facing endless pursuit.

 Just when Anyang was hesitating whether to rush out of the encirclement with all his strength, there was sudden noise not far away.

 There seems to be a small group of people heading this way.

 Xiang Yun glanced at one of his speed users. The third-level advanced speed user with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks immediately understood. He dodged and ran towards the place where the sound came from.

 There were faint sounds of talking, and not long after, the speed user came back.

 He said to Xiang Yun: "The leader is a team of superpowers who came from other bases to the survivor base in City B."

 Xiang Yun asked: "How many people are there?"

 "There are four people. It is not clear who they are. Not all of them are superpowers, but there are definitely two people with superpowers. One of the superpowers is holding a puppy in his arms, which is probably a mutant dog." Although this speed superpower doesn't look very good

 , How about it, but he is a scout of the Thunder Fire Mercenary Group, and he is basically the one who gets the information, because he is careful and can observe details that others cannot notice.

 Xiang Yun didn't care too much after hearing what he said.

 There are only four people. Even if they are all superpowers, they are just four superpowers, so there is nothing to worry about.

 As for the puppy that was suspected to be a mutant beast, he didn't take it seriously. He also encountered pet mutant dogs in the base, and their attack power was not strong.

 Xiang Yun said: "Tell them that our Thunder Fire Mercenary Group is here to do business and ask them to take a detour."

 The speedster was not surprised by Xiang Yun's order. He nodded and headed that way again.

 Xiang Yun thought that the four people over there were almost dismissed, so he focused on Anyang. He didn't dare to act rashly for a moment. He was still quite wary of An Yang's methods, which were still calm despite being surrounded. So in addition to letting his men attack, he also harassed Anyang and persuaded Anyang to give up resistance, disturbing Anyang's mind.

 Just as the two parties were fighting fiercely, a corpse was suddenly thrown down by a vine and fell from the sky.

 Xiang Yun was stunned. He looked at the body of the speedster he sent to do the job, and the anger surged in his heart.

 At this time, the murderer who killed his men actually walked out openly, not taking his Thunder Fire Mercenary Group seriously at all.

 Xiang Yun looked at the stern young man who was the leader of the four people who walked out and was holding a small black dog. He was about to scold him, but saw An Yang rushing towards the stern young man with a look of surprise and excitement: "Ah Chen..." Listen

 . Xiang Yun was extremely surprised that Anyang, who had always been cold and indifferent to anyone, called out to the young man so excitedly.

 As a rookie at the Survivor Base in City B, Xiang Yun knew An Yang very well, and he knew the cold nature of this man very well.

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