Chapter 82: Foundation building successful!

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 Anru felt that her heartbeat was about to stop.

 Besides Mu Lichen, who else could be affectionately called 'Achen' by An Yang?

 Anru thought of Mu Lichen who easily controlled countless zombies at the gas station and made them desperate. She had an unbelievable but most likely factual guess in her mind - those mutated zombies, animals and plants were all controlled by Mu Lichen.

 Anru, who was already frightened, was so frightened that her legs were weak and she could hardly help but lose control of her bowels.

 She couldn't imagine what would happen to her if she fell into Mu Lichen's hands. The tragic scene when Fu Yan, Mu Liyi and others died kept replaying in her mind.

 At this time, the door of the villa was opened, and a man with a gentle smile walked out slowly. He walked up to An Yang and bowed slightly: "Master An, please come in."

 An Yang looked at Yin Feng, pointed at Anru behind him, and said to him: "Keep an eye on her." Then he couldn't wait to walk in. Inside the villa.

 Mu Lichen was sitting on the sofa, watching movies and eating snacks.

 Although there is no signal or power supply now, if Mu Lichen wants to, there is a way to get a generator and DVD player.

 Anyang glanced at the TV on the wall. It was playing a British drama, and he looked away without much interest.

 Mu Lichen waved to Anyang, "Come and sit." He pointed to the empty seat on the sofa next to him.

 Anyang smiled and walked to him and sat down.

 Mu Lichen was watching TV, but An Yang was watching him.

 Perhaps because he knew that he and Ah Chen were not related by blood, and without the shackles of incest, his feelings for Ah Chen became more explicit.

 Mu Lichen was so sensitive, how could he not notice An Yang's gaze. At first he didn't want to pay attention, but then An Yang stared at him with stern eyes for too long, which even made him feel uncomfortable.

 Mu Lichen looked sideways at An Yang and raised his eyebrows in confusion: "What's wrong?"

 Looking at himself with such fiery eyes, he almost thought he was in love with her... (His Majesty the Zombie Emperor who missed the truth) An Yang opened his mouth,

 wanting to tell something about Mu Lichen's life experience. But when the words came to his lips, they turned into: "You are almost establishing the foundation, let's enter the space." He thought it would be better to wait until Ah Chen established the foundation before discussing the issue of life experience, lest Ah Chen's state of mind would be affected by this. , causing problems with foundation building. An Yang, who didn't feel at all that he had temporarily retreated, thought this way.

 Mu Lichen sensitively felt that Anyang was not telling the truth. He narrowed his eyes slightly, but did not expose Anyang. He nodded, "Okay, let's enter the space." It happened that he was also about to build a foundation. Building foundations in space is safer.


 Mu Lichen and Anyang entered the space, controlled by Anyang, and the two fell into the bamboo house.

 An Yang said: "This bamboo house has the effect of calming the mind. Ah Chen, you will have a better foundation-building effect here." Mu Lichen nodded, then sat cross-legged on the bamboo bed and closed his eyes to practice


 When An Yang saw that Mu Lichen entered the cultivation state so quickly, he quietly left the house and closed the bamboo door.

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