Chapter 106: Decided to leave!

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 What Mu Lichen discovered was naturally noticed by An Yang, who also paid special attention to the demon.

 An Yang didn't come into contact with many beads like Mu Lichen. He had only come into contact with a kind of beads recently, so he immediately connected the familiar black bead to the milky white bead that Mu Lichen had shown him. .

 Except for the different colors, the two beads are exactly the same in shape and the mist cloud patterns inside the beads.

 Anyang looked at Mu Lichen and indicated with his eyes: What should we do now? Do you want to find a way to take away the black bead?

 Mu Lichen sent a message and said: "There is no way, that bead is in the hands of that demon now. Unless we kill him, it can't be taken away so easily." It's a pity that

 the demon is in the foundation building stage and his cultivation level is not much lower than him. , especially because of that bead, he is temporarily unable to control those zombie plants, and there is no 100% guarantee that he can kill the demon.

 The days are long, and Mu Lichen has no choice but to give up the idea of ​​snatching away the black bead now. It belongs to him anyway, and he can't escape.

 The zombie plants were unable to attack because of the black bead of the demon. The team of superpowers was once again able to successfully advance into the interior of Mount Yubo. At this time, only a dozen people in the team of superpowers were dead.

 Of course Mu Lichen would not allow Qin Ming and this demon to enter his villa. His mental power covered the entire Yubo Mountain, and ordered Xiao Hei's subordinates to block the progress of the superpower team, and notified Yin Feng by the way. Start the second plan.

 He just discovered that the black bead cannot control mutant beasts and zombie animals. As for whether mutant plants can be controlled, he doesn't know. After all, the mutant plants on Yubo Mountain have basically been eradicated.

 Mu Lichen discovered that the further inside, the higher the level of the zombie plant, and the more excited the demon seemed to be.

 He even saw the demon's scarlet tongue licking his purple lips, as if there was something inside Yubo Mountain that he coveted.

 Mu Lichen, who knew Yubo Mountain best, frowned slightly. What on earth did this demon want to do?

 Powerful mutant beasts rushed out of the black forest to attack the team of superpowers. Soon, the team of superpowers, which originally had only a dozen people, was reduced to seven or eight people.

 Qin Ming saw his powerful superpowers being killed one by one in the belly of the mutated beast. He panicked and quickly said to the demon: "Sir, wasn't that little black ball you used before very powerful? Hurry up and destroy these mutated beasts."

 The demon looked at Qin Ming coldly and turned a deaf ear to his words.

 This idiot, how can he use such powerful moves as casually as a Chinese cabbage? Chinese cabbage is also very expensive now, okay? He has to retain his strength until the end. As for these wastes, let them die.

 The demon watched the deaths of the superpowers with cold eyes, but never had any intention of taking action to turn the tide.

 Qin Ming, who thought that he had found a powerful superpower who could help him overcome the difficulties, now felt resentment and unwillingness towards the demon who stood by and watched.

 If these mutated beasts are not dealt with, not to mention his superpowers, not even he himself will be able to escape.

 Qin Ming winked at the special space superpower who had been guarding him and asked him to come closer to him.

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