Chapter 105: Zombie Plants & Black Beads!

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 There must be some connection between this unknown demon and the little monster Mu Lichen encountered before. He didn't know this connection yet, but it was enough to make him wary.

 The demon killed all the zombie rats with one move, and the eyes of the superpower users who originally didn't care much about him turned to fear.

 After all, a power like this that has never appeared before and is so weird is really frightening. The unknown is always the scariest thing.

 The demon didn't pay attention to the fearful looks of others, and even enjoyed it a little.

 Seeing how powerful and strange the demon's strength was, Qin Ming also felt a little scared, but he was more happy.

 He has such a powerful helper, and he will definitely gain something from this trip to Mount Yubo. If he gets the Crystal Love, he will soon be able to reach the next level.

 Under the leadership of Qin Ming, the group continued to move towards Yubo Mountain.

 Yubo Mountain is not big, at least it is not worth mentioning compared to those famous mountains. But looking at it at this time, the plants on Yubo Mountain were extremely luxuriant, even to the extent that they blocked the sky and the sun.

 Everyone stopped and looked at the black plants that were blocking the sky. They were worried, how could they deal with so many zombie plants?

 Mutated plants are extremely difficult to deal with, let alone zombie plants that can infect people into zombies.

 It is true that people with superpowers can avoid being infected into zombies after being scratched and bitten by zombies or zombie animals of a lower level than themselves, but zombie plants are different. They will use their branches and vines to extend into the body of the superpower to suck out the superpowers. The energy of the capable person is then injected into the human body with the zombie virus.

 Basically, a person with powers controlled by a zombie plant for a while will turn into a mummy or mutate into a zombie.

 But now, such difficult zombie plants are found all over the mountains and plains.

 Everyone felt a little discouraged.

 But Qin Ming gritted his teeth and decided to go in. Come here, the loss is so big. If he doesn't get the Crystal Love back, not to mention that he can't advance, he will be blamed by the elders of the Qin family for the loss of the superpower team.

 Originally, because he was canceled the heir trial by the head of the Qin family, he did not have enough prestige. If he fled back without doing anything now, then even if he became the head of the Qin family in the future, he would only be a puppet.

 Power and desire allowed Qin Ming to temporarily overcome his greed for life and fear of death. He thought that there was a powerful person like "Mr." around him, who could always protect him and return alive, right?

 After entering Mount Yubo

 , the zombie plants all over the mountains unexpectedly did not attack them.

 Although everyone didn't know the reason and felt lucky, they were still cautious.

 Mu Lichen and An Yang walked side by side, but their attention was always on the demon.

 Ever since entering Mount Yubo, Mu Lichen felt that something was wrong with the demon. He seemed to be looking around excitedly, and did not think it was strange that these zombie plants did not attack humans.

 Mu Lichen was determined to test this demon, and he secretly ordered a nearby zombie tree to attack Qin Ming.

 Countless branches with black mucus on their surfaces were shrouding Qin Ming. If he was caught, he would definitely end up riddled with holes.

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