Chapter 76: Luoyun Mercenary Group!

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 When Mu Lichen heard He Qizheng say that he could only command the mutant beasts of the water tribe, he was inevitably a little disappointed.

 Although he had already thought about this possibility, he had some ideas. Now that the idea failed, he was naturally disappointed.

 While Mu Lichen was thinking about how to maximize He Qizheng's role, his attention was attracted by the movement of his trousers. He looked down at Xiao Hei who was biting his trousers, bent down, and picked up Xiao Hei: "What's wrong, little guy?" Although he knew that Xiao Hei was quite big, he still couldn't help but feel that it was a brat.

 Xiao Hei looked at Mu Lichen with watery eyes, mentally communicating with him.

 Mu Lichen's face showed a bit of joy. How could he forget Xiao Hei?

 Although Xiao Hei is not a spiritual mutant beast that is good at controlling, its level is there, and it can completely control mutant beasts with a lower level than it.

 But there is one thing that is more troublesome.

 Xiao Hei is not a born emperor like Mu Lichen, and he does not have a natural deterrent against zombies like him.

 If Xiao Hei wants to control the low-level mutant beasts, he must subdue them all.

 If you think of it, do it.

 Mu Lichen temporarily handed over the work of establishing a temporary stronghold to He Qizheng, Mu Ran and Yin Feng. He himself took Anyang Xiaohei to go shopping nearby and turned those low-level mutant beasts into Xiaohei's younger brothers. That's good.

 In this way, his temporary stronghold will have many more natural defenders.

 Anyang was a little worried about Mu Lichen's behavior of allowing Mu Ran and Yin Feng to establish a temporary stronghold.

 "Achen, what if they..."

 Mu Lichen interrupted him and said, "I know you are worried that they will secretly unite with humans to harm me, right? Don't worry, didn't I tell you? I have Control their secret technique."

 An Yang still did not relax his frown: "But you have to practice that secret technique during the foundation building period, now..."

 Mu Lichen said: "They don't dare to betray me now...Okay, okay, I have left many high-level zombie guards around, and they will never be able to leave the mountain. Are you relieved now?" An Yang

 said Then he breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Mu Lichen's expression carefully and said, "Ah Chen, don't blame me for too many things. I'm just too worried about you." He also knew that he was always stuck by

 Ah Chen's side, and Ah Chen would definitely be unhappy if he always raised objections to Ah Chen's behavior and pointed fingers. After all, who would want someone to always disobey them in their ears? But he really couldn't control himself. He and Ah Chen had been separated for so long, they had just reunited, and they were about to separate again... If it weren't for helping Ah Chen get the Ruijin Heart, he really didn't want to go back to the survivor base in B City.

 Just staying by the sweetheart's side, no one else, living in the world of two... What a beautiful life, it is simply a life that he has never dreamed of.

 Mu Lichen didn't think too much, and he couldn't understand An Yang's sensitive thoughts. He said nonchalantly: "I'm not that ignorant. I know you're doing it for my own good. How can I blame you?" If it were people like Mu Liyi and Anru, they would definitely not tell him these heart-wrenching words

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