Chapter 129: Another five years!

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 Since An Yang came back early, the two of them also entered the Qiankun Realm early to visit their two-person world.

 The two of them were lying side by side on the soft grass, looking at the clear blue sky in the space, but their minds were not on the beautiful scenery, but on the content of their conversation.

 An Yang frowned: "We don't need to take care of the survivor base in City Pills and crystal cores are advanced. As long as we develop safely outside, when the strength of the survivor base in City B exceeds theirs, he will send someone to send a letter inviting them to come out." Mu Lichen thought for a while, and what An Yang

 proposed Although the method is time-consuming, it is indeed the best way to deal with the survivor base in City X.

 The superpowers at the Survivor Base in City Leave them far behind, and let An Yang invite them out of the desert as the leader of the base. Catching them all is not a dream, but a reality.

 Mu Lichen, who was not very eager, agreed to An Yang's suggestion and should focus on developing the survivor base in B City first.

 Early the next morning, An Yang went to deal with the affairs of the base, while Mu Lichen left the base to find ways to get some supplies, such as mechanical tools and so on, which were all very needed by the base.

 No one wants to take these large supplies that cannot be eaten or drank except at the base, so these tools are still stored well in the factory. They may be a little damaged, but they can still be used after repair.

 People with superpowers who transport large mechanical tools in a city with mountains of corpses and seas of corpses may suffer heavy casualties, but it is different if Mu Lichen does this. The city with mountains of corpses and seas of corpses is full of his labor force. He sent zombies to move out the mechanical tools and put them in a warehouse on the outskirts of the city, and then notified Anyang to send a superpower to get them.

 The superpowers who came to get mechanical tools swaggered and dragged these large materials into the base. People who had not had much confidence in the newly built base regained their confidence. This kind of material in the city's mountain of corpses can be Once you get it, what else is there to be afraid of?

 With the people of the base united, the base began to glow with vitality.

 Mu Lichen helped An Yang collect a lot of supplies, but he always remained cautious and did not reveal his identity as a zombie. It was safe to live in the base as An Yang's younger brother, especially since An Yang specially ordered to kill him for his sake. The scanner at the entrance of the base was removed, making it easier for him to enter and exit the base.

 That kind of scanner can only scan out zombies and is useless against mutant beasts. With Mu Lichen, the zombie king, zombies will not hurt anyone when they enter the base, so we simply canceled it.

 Mu Lichen, the zombie king, and An Yang, a human, actually worked together to reorganize the entire survivor base in B City and build it into something even more glorious than the original base.

 Five years have passed in the blink of an eye. In the past five years, Mu Lichen's prestige among the people in the base has been very high, almost on an equal footing with An Yang.

 But Mu Lichen may be because of the tragic memory of being betrayed by humans for research in his previous life, or it may be because he became a zombie queen and instinctively no longer cares about humans. He has no sense of belonging to these humans. Everything he has done for this base, It's all just for An Yang.

 With Mu Lichen's help, An Yang actually had a lot of free time, even to the point of having nothing to do, otherwise Mu Lichen's prestige in the base would not have almost surpassed An Yang's.

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